PNG Youth Convention

PNG Youth Convention


It was with a lot of apprehension mingled with a thrill of adventure that the little group of Australians left from Sydney on 24 June to embark on the most awesome two weeks that we had ever imagined. Well for me it was!

After 3 tiring plane trips, we were very warmly welcomed by Br. Peter Dakire and family in Madang. Everything was so new for us that every aspect of the next couple of days, which involved sight seeing and travelling to the island, was enthralling.

By Wednesday, we had all arrived at the Island where this time we were welcomed by 101 pikininis, who would follow us with wondering eyes. The camp was well attended by the PNG Reform Youth as well.

I especially learnt a lot from the groups that were made up to prepare a Bible study. Our group prepared a study on "Sin". All those that presented their topics, did well.

The evening meetings were the most enjoyable of all. The people flocked from many of the surrounding villages. It was truly encouraging to see all the souls fed by the messages presented.

Many of the young people shared their different experiences on different occasions, which were all encouraging, as no matter what race, background or occupation we have, we all fight against the same foe and have opportunity of the same victories.

I personally thank God for the privilege of being a part of a group of young missionaries and most of all for His protection over us. We all drew very close as a group and had a wonderful time.

Catherine Thiel