26-28 June, 2009
How to be a Rebel
This was a weekend specially designed and aimed at the youth between the ages of 13 -25, helping them realise that in order to be a rebel against Satan’s kingdom, one must be completely attached to Christ at all times. Becoming one with Christ is a prerequisite.
Friday evening, 26th of June, was a very special day when youth from all parts of New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria met at Elim Heights for the first NSW Youth Seminar. It was excellent to see new faces at the camp; we pray they had a blessed experience and will return again.
The opening meeting taken by Br Phillip Gordon (NSW Youth Leader) was in conjunction with the opening of Sabbath. Since most people travelled through the day, dinner was very much appreciated.
After dinner, the youth gathered for the study of the Sabbath School Lesson and then viewed “The Journey to Heaven,” the new Pilgrim’s Progress DVD. Warm tea, cereal "coffee" and cookies were available to those who needed warming up.
Sabbath morning the wake-up bell rang nice and early! Worship taken by Sr Tania Gordon at 7:00am was well attended and very interesting.
Two excellent morning studies were taken by Br Jeremy Gordon on “What is Sin” and “Holding on to Jesus”. These were heart-felt messages which were shared in such a simple way that the youth could understand them. Br Jeremy’s studies were easy to relate to and were very relevant for the youth of today. He described sin in a different way, and taught us that instead of just focusing on the results of sin, we should be more concerned with the cause of sin, which is separation from Christ. He also showed us that the only way we can keep Jesus in our lives is to hold on to Him so tight and never let go.
Lunch was next on the program followed by “Drifting with the Tide” by Br Phillip Gordon. This involved youth participation and group discussion and was enjoyed by all. Brother Jeremy then told the experience of his friend's accident and death and how this had a powerful impact on his life. I believe all present gained a very special blessing from this deeply personal and emotional experience. Everybody was moved and I know from my personal experience it brought me very close to Christ.
“Eulogies, Post Cards and News Headlines” was another group participation meeting taken by the NSW Youth Leader and during that meeting it was also the close of Sabbath. Thanks were expressed to all those who had a part in running the weekend. Rosetta, Lidia and Joe were specially thanked for the food preparations and were given beautiful flower arrangements and thank you cards. Everybody appreciated all the hard work that they put into the preparation of the camp.
Dinner was served and after dinner the youth had some activities in the dining hall led by Sr Amy Voncina followed by a relaxing time at the bonfire!
Sunday morning was no exception to getting up early – as worship by Sr Cherie Clements, breakfast, packing lunch and packing to leave all had to be done before 8:30am in order to go for the day’s activity, grass karting at Kurrajong Heights. There were quite a few sore muscles, some scrapes, but thankfully no broken bones!
All the youth left with a very good account of the weekend’s doings, thanks to all the organizers and helpers during the seminar. A special thank you should go to Amy Voncina, Phil and Tania Gordon who spent many long hours planning and organising the camp. All who attended enjoyed every aspect of the camp and felt comfortable with the relaxed atmosphere and easy to understand studies. This kind of youth seminar is exactly what we as youth need, to keep us close to God and each other.
I hope we all learnt how to rebel against Satan and stay holding onto the one and only true Lion, Jesus. We hope that the next youth seminar is not too far away! We thank God for His continual help, for the youth that came and had a good experience, and that He will stay close to our hearts.
Nicole Gordon