17 May – 30 May 2010.
By the grace of God, Br Johnny Araya, his wife Rachel and I have just finished a wonderful
two weeks in Vanuatu – from touchdown in Port Vila till our last evangelistic outreach
meeting last night (Sunday 30th May) we have been non-stop. We arrived in Vanuatu on
Monday afternoon 17th of May and commenced our first series of meetings – The Fourth
Angel's Message Seminar that night. It's a seminar for all Seventh Day Adventists who have a
desire to study deeper into the 1888 message and the work of the Angel of Revelation 18:1.
By the grace of God, I spoke each night for 7 nights. There were over 20 visitors every night,
most of who were non-Adventists. I was also happy to meet with a number of leaders
involved with independent ministries here who have been coming every night. All want copies
of the studies and want to meet with and study further the message of Reformation. This
response to our first series was a strong source of encouragement to our church members in
Port Vila.
During the day, I presented the "W5H-The Missionary Formula" seminar for lay members.
This was also well received by all who were present. The primary theme was that all of us no
matter how big or small our talents, have a special place designated on earth where we are to
work for God. We discussed this theme in the light of each ones capabilities and talents. As a
result, all have a greater desire to fulfill their call as missionaries for Christ.
Once we completed the "Fourth Angel's Message Seminar", we changed location to commence our open-air evangelistic meetings.
"JESUS IS COMING! ARE YOU READY?" Bible Prophecy Seminar
In a short amount of time, Johnny and Rachel made up a flyer to advertise the meetings – they
had 5 big A3 colour posters, plus around 500 A6 handout flyers printed. The posters were
displayed in a number of busy shopping centres and on the Sabbath afternoon prior to the
commencement of the series, all the members and young people distributed the flyers in the
area where we were to hold the meetings. The flyer distribution generated great interest in
those that received them. Johnny and Rachel found themselves tied up sharing the message
with one family for a couple of hours.
The first night saw about 50 visitors come, most of these were standing on the street listening.
By the second night, interest had grown to over 70 visitors present. It was a great privilege to
be able to make an appeal on the last evening of the series where 8 souls asked me to pray with them personally. Two of these dear souls were young chefs who worked together at a hotel.
After hearing the presentations this past week, they are both committed to honouring the
Sabbath day, and have decided not to work on that day. Another gentleman spoke with me
personally and said he had found Jesus again as a result of the meetings. We prayed together
and plan to keep in touch. There were also quite a few more who wish to stay in touch with
We can't wait to go back.
Please keep the work in Vanuatu in your prayers.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
Paul Chapman