From the 11th – 31st of March, 2011 Elim Missionary College conducted an Evening Missionary Training Seminar in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The seminar was led by Br Peter D. Lausevic and its purpose, according to the invitation, was to “teach members and visitors how to give Bible studies as well as address doctrinal questions”. The seminar took place in Schofields and Wentworthville during weeknights and over each of 3 weekends. Nine students enrolled in the seminar and, though they had some nervous tension especially in regards to the public presentations that they would be required to do, they were quite excited to be attending.
The program was organised so that the doctrinal studies were held on Friday evening, Sabbath and Sunday morning. These studies were open to all who wanted to attend, and not only to the students. Topics covered over the three weekends were ‘Till Death Do Us Part’, ‘The Word Was Made Flesh’, ‘The Sealing Message’, ‘The Parable of the Wheat and Tares’ and ‘Closed Communion’. All enjoyed these doctrinal lectures, and were greatly encouraged by them. Most of the lectures were held at Schofields Church, but on the first two Sabbaths we were all privileged to be able to go to Wentworthville Church where the studies continued. It was wonderful to see that the small church was so full of people, that on the 3rd Sabbath it was decided to have it combined at Schofields Church. The lectures were a blessing to all that attended.
In the second part of the program, each student was assigned a topic (one from each of the nine Fruits of the Spirit) to research and prepare a Bible study on. On the first Sunday and then each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening Br Peter would explain the steps in preparing Bible studies, and help us with our research and any other questions we might come across. Not only did we learn about religious topics, but we were greatly blessed to learn much about computers, how to use the electronic version of Ellen G White Writings, and also Microsoft Word. Some already knew more about computers than others, but they helped those of us who only knew the basics.
The presentations took place on Tuesday 29th to Thursday 31st March at Schofields. All were invited to attend to listen to the presentations. After each presentation a short critique was given to help students in future studies. It was encouraging to hear everyone’s presentations, and we thank the Lord even those of us who were shy were able to present our topic to His honour and glory. Many church and family members came along to support and listen to the students.
We had a wonderful experience and I sure felt blessed by the knowledge gained from the seminar. Some of the students are continuing to put to good use the information learnt and are continuing to put Bible studies together. There will be upcoming seminars in the future and I encourage all to consider taking part, as we truly received a blessing by being there. Special thanks to Br Peter for all his hard work.
— Jade Kneebone with GT