Queensland Conference 2015 Camp Meeting
THEME: “Stand Up For Jesus”
WHEN: 2 – 5 October 2015
WHERE: Minden Retreat, 25 BOUGHENS Road, Minden Queensland
Download Invitation in PDF Format for printing and emailing Invitation-StandUp-QLD2015Camp
Stand Up For Jesus!
Everyday we meet challenges to our faith as Christians. Whether it involves our beliefs, our standards, or our practices, these challenges are a constant threat to our call to stand apart from this world. So how can we meet those challenges successfully? And what will it cost us if we do? Come and join us as we discover together what it means to “Stand Up For Jesus!” – at home, at work, and at play.
Program commences Friday evening, 5:30pm for the Opening of the Sabbath (Sunset is at 5:49pm)
Topics and Worships include:
- A Stand Worth Taking (Friday Night)
- The World’s Greatest Need (Sabbath Worship Service)
- Dare to Stand Alone! (Young People’s Meeting)
- Developing Your Spiritual Posture (Close of Sabbath)
- Black, White or Grey? (Sunday morning)
- When Families Fail
- The Challenge to Choose
- Armed to Stand
- Little Things
- When Jesus Stands For You
Group Discussions will be focused on applying the material presented in order to help you meet the personal challenges you face as a Christian in your everyday life.
Day Visitors are welcome. Please register now!
“Stand up for Jesus, young friends, and in your time of need Jesus will stand up for you.” Ellen G White.
For further information on prices and online registration: QLD Conference 2015 Camp Meeting – Prices and Online Registration
Phone: 07 3862 4803
Email: qld@sdarm.org.au