Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Greetings with Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”
Yes, every single moment we have to be joyful and full of praises and thanksgiving for the great salvation provided for us on the cross of Calvary.
I would like to tell you about a great joyful event, which took place in heaven as well as among God’s people here on this earth in a small Victorian town on the first day of December 2001.
It was a glorious Sabbath day in Seymour, full of sunshine and happiness. It was a day full of praise, study and fellowship. Approximately one hundred people gathered from all parts of Victoria to worship the Lord on His day. Many visitors were present. That Sabbath was a special one: all could see the desire in the four candidates that they expressed, to follow the Lord and fellowship with God’s people on this earth. It was a wonderful Sabbath for them and all of us: it was the day of their baptism.
Prior to the baptism, the profession of faith, conducted by Br. John Ciric, proved to all that the candidates have gone through deep and systematic study of the principles of faith. The baptism of Muriel Kneebone, Raelene Kneebone, Luke Kneebone and Joe Laws took place in Goulburn River in a quiet and beautiful park, which was performed by Br. Ben Thiel and accompanied by the hymns and prayers of the believers.
We want to praise our marvellous God for giving us such a wonderful occasion for joy and we believe that our joy was shared that Sabbath. With the eyes of faith we saw the heavens open and heard the music of the innumerable angelic host – music of praise and joy!
“I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance … Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:7, 10.
Your brother in Christ,
Stelios Kiriakov
Working in the Victorian/Tasmanian Field
I praise the Lord for the wonderful opportunities He gives us, while working in this corner of His vineyard. Bringing the Gospel message to a world which often doesn’t want to hear it, is a challenge, but we as followers of Christ all need to take it seriously. Satan is ever on our track seeking to discourage and ruin the work of the Spirit of God on human hearts. Yet praise God, that even in times where there is much spiritual darkness in this world souls are choosing to make their stand for Him.
We praise the Lord for the wonderful experience of the baptism of four souls as mentioned above. We pray that the Lord will continue to help them along life’s pathway. We praise him also that others have expressed the desire to make their commitment to the Lord, be baptised and become part of the body of Christ.
Weekly church meetings continue to be held in our church in Keilor Park and fortnightly meetings in Shepparton, which have been a blessing to all who attend. Regular studies and visits are throughout Victoria, but let us not forget our island state, Tasmania. Regular visits have also been made to this beautiful place. Though meeting heavy seas on the last trip down was not a most pleasant experience, the return journey proved smoother and allowed opportunity to witness and leave literature with another Christian youth worker.
Some of our long time members are currently leaving Tasmania, but we thank the Lord for the continuing interest which seems to grow with every visit. We praise God for the enthusiasm of our new members in their missionary efforts. Some have been reaching out to share the gospel with their neighbours who have a great desire to know the truth for these last days. On the last visit, Sabbath meetings were held in the Campbelltown Hall and in the home of members on the east coast where approximately twenty-five attended. We praise the Lord for the blessing gained by fellowshipping together.
While enquiring of the possibility to hire a convention centre for future camp meetings, further opportunity to witness presented itself as the owners, of Pentecostal persuasion, had come to the conclusion that the seventh day is the Sabbath. Let us pray that the words of encouragement to stand on what the word of God says and that the literature given them may bring forth a harvest. If in the future we hold camp meetings there, we hope to have further opportunities to bring more of the truth to these souls.
These are just a few of the experiences that the Lord in His mercy has granted us. We hope that they will serve to encourage you to continue spreading the gospel message wherever you are, that we may be drawn closer and fulfil Christ’s commission for us as a people.
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:19
May the Lord bless us as we endeavour to fulfil this commission.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
Ben Thiel
SDARM AUC Field Leader