We would just like to praise the Lord for the time He has given us each one to work for Him. The last few months have been busy and rewarding in this corner of the vineyard. Both old and young among our members and friends from Keilor Park Church and Shepparton Group have been involved in the missionary work. We all realise the end is near and the message of Christ’s soon coming needs to go to the world. I’m sure we are all aware this is a huge task but if we each, by God’s grace, do our bit relying on Him, the Holy Spirit will attend our labours and we can all go home to the better land.
A number of Mall outreaches have now been held around Melbourne and one in Shepparton. All who have attended have found these times a challenge and a blessing. During Mall outreach, book and video tables have been set up, offering a free Bible Correspondence Course, free video rental and a variety of free literature. Religious surveys have been carried out from which many opportunities to witness have arisen. This part of the work has been a challenge for some, but witnessing for our Lord is a blessing to both the giver and the receiver. A good number of people have either enrolled in the PTCC or rented videos, for which we really want to praise God and ask you also to remember these souls in your prayers.
In order to help fund our missionary outreach efforts, we also decided to sell corn at a local market. This not only proved to be an enjoyable day working together for the good of God’s cause, it also gave us opportunities to witness to those around us. We now have opportunity to run a literature stall alongside at the next market.
Shepparton Meetings
Fortnightly Meetings have been held in Shepparton area for sometime now; first in Dookie, then in Mooroopna, which is just a few minutes drive form Shepparton CBD. Recently our members in Shepparton requested to hold these meetings on a weekly basis. This has started from the first of April in the Treacy St Community Centre in Mooroopna. We thank God for these meetings. The commission of the Lord is to go to all nations, teach the gospel message. We pray that as this group meets on a more regular basis that they will be a light in this area to bring more souls into the kingdom.
Victorian/Tasmanian Field Conference 29 March – 1 April
Our recent Conference under the title “The Price of Heaven” proved a great blessing. There were many visitors attending from other States plus friends and visitors from the Victorian/Tasmanian Field making it one of the largest camp meetings we have had in Victoria.
We thank the Lord for bringing a new soul to take his stand in baptism on the Sunday morning of the camp. Please remember to continue to pray for Bro. Alex Kaval, and the other new souls who attended the camp meeting, who have not yet made their commitment to the Lord. Also, let us remember to pray for each other that we may be guided from above, as we go about our daily walk. If we each look to Jesus and rely fully on Him every moment of our lives we will shine as lights in this world wherever we go.
“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.” Psalm 37:4-6
May God bless you all. Your Brother in Christ,
Ben Thiel
We were glad to have visitors from interstate. The following is a report of the conference by one of our interstate visitors.
I thank the Lord (and some very persistent friends!), for the privilege of attending the Victorian/Tasmanian Field Conference. Representatives from NSW, SA, QLD, WA, Tasmania, and Victoria – members and friends from near and far converged on the little town of Blampied, VIC, northwest of Melbourne. Surrounded by the beautiful handiwork of God in the countryside around us, we explored the treasures of the Inspired Word. Thanks and praise to the Lord for the travelling mercies He graciously extended to all.
With the first study “Chasing a Rainbow or Grasping a Reality?”, we started on the theme for the weekend – “The Price of Heaven”. I’m sure the message presented that evening touched many hearts as the promises of God were repeated. Salvation and eternal life are the glorious realities pledged to all who accept the gift of God. A victorious Christian life is the experience the Lord desires and makes available to each and every one of us – no exceptions!
“Heaven is Ready, Am I?” This was the question left with us on Sabbath morning. ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you…’ Heaven is ready – what are you waiting for?
From the Divine Service I once again realised a little more of the enormity and greatness of what salvation costs – “Cheap at Infinite Cost”. While we only give up that which can never give us lasting happiness, our Saviour came to this earth risking everything that brings happiness.
“Examining the Road to Heaven” in Young Peoples Meeting we came to some rather interesting conclusions. Contrasting the conditions of the ‘broad way to destruction’ versus the ‘narrow way to life’, we discovered that the Christian’s life journey is far easier than that of the worldling. While the darkness of despair overshadows the ‘Broad Way’, the light of hope constantly brightens the ‘Narrow Way’.
Another study capturing my attention was “Obstacles”. Are they good or bad? In our pilgrimage to the heavenly land we encounter many things blocking our way. Shall we stumble over them, or make them steppingstones to bring us nearer to God? The choice is ours…
On Sunday morning all present shared the joy of heaven as a precious soul dedicated his life to the Lord in baptism. The Lord truly added His blessing to this wonderful occasion, granting us a warm and sunny day.
Later in the afternoon the Sydney and Melbourne Church Choirs, together with the King’s Minstrels Youth Orchestra favoured us with a presentation of the sacred cantata, “From the Manger to the Cross”. I’m sure the sweet voices of the heavenly angels were mingled with the praise offered to God.
Ushering out the day the message for evening worship challenged: “Where Would You Spend Eternity?”. With the giving of the Benediction, another conference closed. May the Words of God remain in our hearts, transform our lives and take us from this “Temporary Accommodation” to the glorious place prepared for all those who love His appearing.
Tabitha Ciric, SA.