After a week of rain and tropical thunderstorms, the Lord provided a peaceful and sunny morning on Sunday 12th December, 2004. Members and family came together on the banks of the Pine River at Petrie, Queensland, among the natural surroundings and in the sight of God, to witness the baptism of four souls, Bro Roland Lacey, Sr Jan Lacey, Bro Ernie Kimber and Bro David Van der Wall.
It was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. Each had previously found the light of the Advent message through following the Lord’s leading in their lives. However, their continuing desire to learn of Him had led them to a deeper study and further understanding of the message for our time. This lead them to the decision to reconfirm their covenant with the Lord and unite with God’s remnant people.
As we waited by the river for Bro Ernie Kimber and Bro Van der Wall to arrive we received the news that Ernie had been involved in a car accident on his way to Bro David’s home. All were greatly concerned and saddened, but Bro and Sr Lacey made the decision to continue, knowing that this is what Bro Ernie would have wished.
Roland and Jan Lacey were baptized and as they came out of the water and we gathered for greetings, the threatening storm broke, un-leashing its fury with drenching rain and lightning. We dashed to our cars and returned to the Clayfield church for a fellowship lunch and the service to end Week of Prayer.
Sadly, Bro Ernie Kimber did not regain consciousness and passed away the following Wednesday. His fellowship has been deeply missed by those who had come to appreciate him. He awaits the resurrection morning.
Bro David Van der Wall was baptized on Sunday, 30th January 2005. He had patiently waited to join with the others to celebrate their first Lord’s Supper with us. It was a joyous occasion and another victory was gained for the Lord. Although Satan may try to discourage and dishearten, we press forward for “he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” Matt 24:13
We have come to love and appreciate these souls and thank the Lord for their presence among us. May the Lord richly bless them and give them strength as they continue their walk with Christ. We look forward to the day that all will unite together in heaven.
Graham McMahon