If you missed the South Australian health conference entitled ‘Home Made Health’ you really missed something wonderful. We all enjoyed such a lovely time together, learning, sharing and having fun! The weather was sunny and warm, the food was delicious and the fellowship rich.
On Friday evening we started out with Bro Robles taking the opening message on The Entering Wedge. In very simple practical language he showed us where in the Bible we find each of the eight laws of health. The worship was interspersed with discussions and taking turns reading Bible verses. Bro Robles held a colourful poster as he discussed each law of health.
Luke Kneebone took us through the importance of rest, as an introduction to our Sabbath the next morning. The worship was interesting as he shared the history of how France tried to change God’s plan for when we get our rest, and then the experiences of great men of faith like George Mueller who rested in God continually for all their needs and were able to accomplish great things.
Sabbath school was a wonderful blessing as usual. There were classes for each age and all really enjoyed themselves. The children had a wonderful time singing many songs and learning about Jonah and the big fish. They had lots of fun making their own big fish. Some didn’t want to leave Sabbath school when it was over!!
The divine service was taken by Bro Pow. He took an inspirational study on Jesus the Medical Missionary. We were all inspired to look afresh into how each of us can follow in Jesus’ footsteps. We were asked to consider who we were of the three in the Bible story – the Priest, the Levi or the Good Samaritan. As we applied the question into today’s language the conviction of who we may have been in times past was sobering!
This was followed by a delicious lunch, which was a combined effort of the local sisters. Not long after lunch we had Young People’s Meeting, which was well attended in the open air situated by the lakeside. After the meeting there was ample time to enjoy walking around the beautiful campground. In the evening many enjoyed the campfire.
Sunday was a big day. It started out early with a baptism, down in the beautiful Crystal Lake (that was more muddy than crystal), as Bro Adrian Jackson became a part of our close knit family! There was joy in all our hearts as we continued onto the other activities of the day.
We had several visitors from the community as we started our workshops at 9am. They were a great success! The sprout workshop was out in the open air. The participants saw a whole host of different sprouts. They also learned how to grow them and heard about their most important benefits. Best of all, they were able to taste them at lunch time.
The cooking class was very informative and fun as we moved through making dishes like crunchy muesli, vegan scrambled eggs, meat loaf and raw chocolate (carob) pie. There was plenty of coming back for seconds when it came to tasting time.
In the hydrotherapy class we learned lots of practical things. We made a steam tent for an arm with materials like timber, wire, blanket and a kettle. We learned a remedy that works for getting rid of an upset tummy in most situations. Did you know a slushy mix of Epsom salts is a great first aid remedy for burns?
We had a slide presentation on cow’s milk and its many “benefits”. Did you know the common kitchen herb basil has much more calcium than milk? We also learned that children under the age of two should not have cows milk according to Pediatric recom-mendations.
The workshops were followed by the evening meal and then a worship taken by Bro Tyler. He showed us how we can find all the eight laws of health in the Garden of Eden. He then encouraged us to get back to God’s ideal in every way possible in our own lives. We discussed simple ways we can do this.
Oh, I mustn’t forget to tell you about the children. While the adults were having fun learning the children had a great time making candles, canoing and enjoyed having all kinds of wholesome activities.
We enjoyed the rest of the evening watching a slide show of the last Papua New Guinea “fly-and-build”. We also enjoyed more fellowship with one another. My husband and I sat up with some young people and we had a wonderful time sharing answers to prayer and amazing ways God has been leading.
On Monday morning Bro G Southwell led out in an informal worship entitled “De-stressed.” We learned about the benefits of positive stress. Did you know that without stress we would die? We just need to find the balance. He shared with us practical ways of how to find this.
We left our conference with our batteries recharged. And we all agreed we can hardly wait for the next one! We hope you will be there too!
– Danica Tyler