Victoria Youth Activity Camp 2005

Victoria Youth Activity Camp 2005






“God’s Heroes” – Our Learning Curve

Anglesea, 18-20 November 2005

Faces were lit with excitement when the word was spread: we were to organise and run our own camp. After choosing our theme “God’s Heroes” we began to lay plans.
We would need food—very important—also someone to cook it. Sara Boje was elected head chief and given a small army to com-mand. The task: to write a menu, a mouth-watering task if I may say so myself, organise the purchase of the appropriate ingredients and oversee their combination.
So we have our theme, some food (still yet intangible) and our kitchen crew, what next? Ah, a program of course. We have our theme, but who will talk about it? Topics and speakers followed in quick succession, next came the question, what time do we want to get up? A location had previously been found. Accommodation organised and invitations in the pipeline, we were ready, or were we?
The month, November, the date, Friday 18. Day 1: people began to arrive and were shown to their room allocations as the cooks prepared for the Sabbath. Some new faces and a few interstate visitors were a blessing.
The camp began with evening worship. We were officially at camp. After a little socialising it was lights out, what’s that? Where are all the people running around after lights out—we were too tired, and the adults? They were very well behaved, could you imagine the roles reversed?
Day 2: Sabbath morning. After worship and breakfast we found that our Sabbath School teacher was not going to be available, what to do? What to do?! There’s Madalin, hmmm, a little encouragement and we have a new Sabbath School teacher. After an encouraging sermon, it was time for lunch. There was much socialising and becoming re-acquainted. Next on the program was Young People’s Meeting. Well for most, I was asked to help out with a special task, and was rewarded by a conversation with someone in need. I apologise that I cannot comment on the Young People’s Meeting, I believe God caused it to be a blessing to all who attended.
Day 3: Well day 3 sort of started around 9pm, 21:00 hours for all who operate in that time frame. You see we had a bonfire: much singing, conversation and storytelling. The later it got, the fewer people there were to be found, until eventually there wasn’t a soul to converse with. “No kitchens raided: my work here is done”, and off to bed I went. Upon rising at an early hour, I took a few photos of the sun rising over a calm but stirring sea. The cliffs overlooking the ocean were amazing. Upon returning I found I had to encourage some sleepy souls to rise for worship. Now the day officially began. First came breakfast, then off to our activities: some to horse riding, others to the canoes. Canoeing was quite pleasant, with some scenic routes to follow. The first-timers received a quick drenching before returning our waterlogged canoes. Lunch followed, with an activity interchange and some unofficial aerial photos by a couple of loose Canons (cameras). There was then time for people to ponder upon a previous topic regarding life’s purpose, as we witnessed the baptism of four of our youth. Committing one’s life to God is a solemn commitment. You are declaring that God exists and you choose to follow Him no matter what the cost. To see some of the changes in these youth, one cannot doubt the transforming power of God.
Camp officially closed, and people began to disappear as cleanup commenced: funny isn’t it, cleanup begins…people disappear.
My testimony: in short—don’t underestimate the youth. Seeing the effort put in by some of our youngest members amazed me. If given the opportunity they can achieve much.
It was encouraging to see those who brought or invited friends along. Interacting with them as they told of what God meant to them, and the encouragement it gave to those who had lost their way was a blessing I will carry with me forever.
May God bless you all, and may He bless our future endeavours.

– Luke J Phillips