The Good Tidings E-News draws your attention to the latest developments in the fulfilling of Bible Prophecy and an ultimate Worldwide Sunday Law.
On 20 June, 2011 “some 65 civil society organisations, trade unions and Churches launched the European Sunday Alliance at an event held in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels. In their Founding Statement “Together for decent working hours” the signatories commit to safeguard and promote work-free Sundays and decent working hours throughout Europe. The launch was part of an expert conference on the impact of Sunday work on the health, safety and social integration of workers.”
The Alliance's founding documents record, “Work free Sundays serve to strengthen social cohesion in our societies. Only a well-protected common work-free day per week enables citizens to enjoy full participation in cultural, sports, social and religious life, to seek cultural enrichment and spiritual well-being and to engage in volunteer work and association activities.”
According to “infoCatolica”, a Spanish information website for Catholics, church bodies involved in the alliance include both Catholic and Protestant institutions. (Spanish Site) (Click Here For English Translation)
While no doubt this alliance is well intentioned, being a significant political lobby group of Civil, Trade Union, and Church interests, its ultimate effect will be the enforcement of Sunday Laws, in direct violation of the Law of God. We are living in momentous times.
A full featured article, “Recent Events and The Approaching Sunday Law,” appearing in the next full colour “Good Tidings Magazine” (print edition) discusses this development and other events in light of the prophesied Universal Sunday Law. Make sure you order your copy today! (Email Goodtidings or call (02) 9627 7553 now.)