On the 15th of May, 2102, church members, family and friends gathered in Invercargil (situated at the bottom end of New Zealand’s South Island) to witness the baptisms of two dear brothers in Christ. Despite the icy cold weather (with snow falling at 300 metres), Br Sifu Tamua (left image) and Br Masiki Uaita (right image), both of Samoan heritage, braved the watery grave in making public their stand with Christ. These dear souls had been visited and studied with for the last six years. The local brethren rejoiced to see both brethren finally decide to take their stand upon the truth, commit their life to Christ and unite with God's people. We pray the Lord’s richest blessings upon Br Sifu and Br Masiki as they begin their new life as members of God’s family on earth.