Report from Missionary Training Program
Six very excited students gathered together at Elim Heights Youth Camp on Sunday 9th February 2014 for the start of another Missionary Training Program (MTP). Unfortunately, due to an accident, one had to go home, but five very enthusiastic students have remained for the full program.
I asked the students to write a paragraph expressing their thoughts on the MTP thus far and here are some of the thoughts expressed by them:
On Sunday you will be going to the church’s campground. No electricity, no internet, and hardly any phone signal. For a month!!!” “What???”
However, after being there a month, I noticed that I really didn’t miss FB, emails, YouTube, etc… but what did happen… made four new friends. They were there to help me conquer my biggest fear… the vastness of stars. Got a close encounter with nature, and got to know myself. Above all, learned what it is to have a connection with God. Praying is easy, we all do it, but do we really feel it? Or mean it? When you have no friends, no family to speak with, God becomes that confidant. Then you can say “I have met God!” Really one month was not enough.
Wish more people could do this. I was ambivalent myself, but now I can say: “It is worth it!” Definitely invite everyone to take a chance… you’ll find out that Mr. Peter isn’t that bad! Do it for yourself! Do it to challenge yourself! I challenge you! You won’t regret it.
~ By Denise Gutierrez – USA
The Paragraph
I’m in Australia. I’m at the end of the world. It’s something that I have to remember coming from Spain. But the most important thing is that I am in the missionary school.
Before I came to this land, I was starting to study “Engineering Industrial Electronics” in the University of Valencia. I was learning many interesting things about the electronic world, but suddenly, I was also learning things bad for my spirituality and things that was destroying my connection with God. But God also knew that, and during the London Project, He gave me the opportunity to come to Australia to study His Word. Now, a month is past, and the knowledge is improved. Thanks to God and the great teachers that are in this school, I know how to be a strong man in the Word of God and help souls for their salvation. But I mustn’t forget that I have more work to do yet!
~ Leonardo Rodriguez – Spain
I have never thought that I would have the opportunity to go across the world to study at a missionary school just a few months before it was supposed to start. In 3 months, I was already here. Now, that the first month is passed I can see how much it is worth it and that this was the best choice I have ever made. I have learned so many things during the last month, more than I have ever learned during my whole life as a Christian. By studying many of our principles and the process of researching the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, I was amazed with everything I can do. The main point we were taught is that we should learn how to make questions and find the answers for ourselves, and this is the most successful way of studying. Furthermore, we have learned about the responsibilities of a gospel worker. I cannot say it was easy. Actually, it requires lots of dedication, earnest work and self-denial. However, by the end of it, we will be able to say, Wow! It was amazing! Now we are back in Sydney, willing to put into practice what we’ve learned and also wanting to keep increasing our knowledge. I encourage everybody who has the desire of coming to the missionary school to come. It is a unique experience, and I am sure God has a special blessing for everyone who takes up their duty as sons and daughters of God.
~ Melissa Fernanda De Oliveira Da Mota – Brazil
Before coming here I did not know what to expect. I knew that we were going to be doing a lot of studying, but I was not prepared for this. Even though we are nowhere near being done with this program, I have already obtained so much knowledge! It is absolutely amazing! It is not easy, but it is definitely worth it. This is a great way to start a new life with God or to strengthen and make it better. It helps build a foundation that many look for. I am rather young in regards to my spiritual life, and other students have been in the faith for many years; but yet we are all on the same level. We are here to learn and share our own experiences with each other. Every step of the way we are helped and guided, whether from a student or a teacher. Help is only one question away, one prayer away.
~ Ryan Belu – USA
Missionary School Experience
During the first week we stayed at Elim Heights Camp. I felt that the first week was not that busy since I had time to exercise in the mornings. Then came the second the week when it really got busy, especially in preparing our sermons. This was the nature of the weeks that followed. Our stay at camp was four weeks; I honestly think it should have been more for the reason that we were in nature and feeding ourselves spiritually. After four weeks we moved down to Sydney. For the past two weeks we’ve been doing Canvassing work. So far Missionary School is surprising because you learn new things daily and most of all you learn to depend on God.
~ David Dumaguit