On Saturday night, June 7, 2014, a Graduation Ceremony was held for the four month missionary training program conducted by Elim Missionary College in Sydney, New South Wales. Students participating in this year’s program were Ryan Belu (USA), David Dumaguit (Australia), Denise Gutierrez (USA), Melissa Mota (Brazil) and Leonardo Rojas (Spain).
We wish the best for each of the students and trust that they will be a blessing to the church wherever they go as a result of their experience with EMC.
The students all expressed their appreciation of the program, which included studies on Bible doctrines, righteousness by faith, prophecy, church history, and church administration. More practical knowledge was also gained in learning how to prepare and share Bible studies and sermons, as well as engagement in practical missionary service focussed on colporteur work, health evangelism, Sabbath School evangelism, and participating in public outreach programs. The students gained valuable experience in selling and distributing literature house-to-house, making many missionary contacts along the way.
We thank the Lord for His blessings throughout the program, and that, despite a number of challenges, we were able to complete the four months of training.