Sabbath School Seminar – Perth WA

Sabbath School Seminar – Perth WA

“The Sabbath school should be one of the greatest instrumentalities, and the most effectual, in bringing souls to Christ.” Counsels on Sabbath Work, pg.  10.2

“I feel a deep interest in our Sabbath schools throughout the land, because I believe them to be instrumentalities of God for the education of our youth in the truths of the Bible. Constant efforts should be made by both parents and teachers to interest the youth in matters of eternal importance. The Sabbath school is a missionary field, and very much more of a missionary spirit should be manifested in this important work than has been manifested in the past.”  Counsels on Sabbath School Work, pg. 10.1

Brother Paul Chapman is the General Conference Sabbath School Director.  He has been travelling to many places internationally as well as within Australia, holding Sabbath School Seminars, teaching Sabbath School members and teachers how to conduct the Sabbath Schools.

On the weekend 20-22 June, 2014, Br Paul visited Perth Church holding this important Seminar, teaching the brethren how to obtain the best results from their Sabbath Schools and how to use the Sabbath School as a missionary tool in saving perishing souls.  This program was appreciated by the ones who were able to attend.

The Sabbath Sermon, Lost and Found, may be viewed at

Anyone wishing to order further DVDs from this seminar please contact Br Luke Kneebone from Perth WA on his email address:

May God bless the work done in the West.