Christ’s Message to Laodicea – 26-29 September 2014 The WA Field Conference was held at a lovely scenic place called Logue Brook Dam Campground from the 26th-29th of September, 2014. Church friends and family arrived at the campground on Friday and gathered at sunset in the meeting area to welcome in the Sabbath and listen to the opening meeting of the camp presented by Br Jim Newman.
The theme of the camp was based on the letter written by Christ, through the apostle John, to the church of Laodicea which is recorded in Revelation chapter 3.
The morning and evening worships, divine service and Sunday morning meetings were all focused on different aspects of the letter. Each one was presented exceptionally well, showing that each presenter had prepared their topic thoroughly. The meetings were taken by Jim Newman, Johnny Thiel, Joe Voncina, Jacques Payet, Luke Kneebone, Shelley Newman, Christopher Newman, Gerson Robles, Linda Newman and Hayden Wiseman, and the topics covered were:
- The Laodicea Message; what is it and who is it for?
- Lukewarm / Cold or Hot
- Are we a Laodicean if we Heed the Warnings?
- How to Warn a Laodicean?
- Wretched, Miserable, Poor, Blind and Naked
- Gold Tried in the Fire
- White Raiment
- Eye Salve
- Opening the Door to Christ / Overcoming
- As Many as I Love I Rebuke and Chasten
All hearts were touched deeply, and much serious thought was provoked by each study. A big thank you to every speaker for the time and effort put into their studies.
After the Friday evening meeting, everyone enjoyed catching up with different friends and family over a delicious meal organised and prepared by Br Jacques Payet, John Lausevic and assistants. It was the first of many more that were served during the conference, and a huge thank you to Br Jacques and all his helpers for the effort that went into preparing healthy, nutritious meals for everyone.
The weather did not want to share in the happy friendly atmosphere of the campers on Sabbath morning and stayed in its bad mood all day. So we ignored it and enjoyed the Sabbath morning meetings immensely, and in the afternoon a lovely program of different and interesting items was put together and enjoyed by all who attended and participated. There were lovely musical items and interesting Bible illustrations presented, and it was a great blessing to all.
After the meeting we enjoyed more fellowship with one another and a few brave ones ventured out into the moody weather to enjoy a brisk walk to see the lovely view of the dam. At sunset everyone gathered again to close the Sabbath and bless the Lord for the wonderful day.
Dinner was followed by a special musical presentation of a classical piece prepared by those who played stringed instruments. This item had been prepared and practiced diligently months prior to the camp and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all who had the privilege of hearing it. Numerous requests for more were heard after the recital. Thank you to all those who organised and participated in the beautiful item!
This item preceded a very interesting video that was shown that evening on the life of Daniel. It made the story more real to each of us and was an encouragement to always stand for the Lord no matter the circumstance.
Sunday found the weather still not in a friendly mood, but the morning meetings and the different children’s activities kept everyone in high spirits, and we thank the Lord for the wonderful time. In the afternoon those who owned 4wd’s took as many as could literally squeeze into them for a fun ride through the bush around the dam. There were a few sore body parts the next day from some of the bumpy parts of the track, but everyone who went said they had a good time apart from that! Monday morning found everyone helping clean up the place and saying goodbye to each other.
It was a really enjoyable camp, and a huge thank you to Br Luke Kneebone who was behind a lot of the organising and preparation for it. Also thank you to those who assisted him and to everyone who attended the conference for making it such a blessed time of fellowship. It was a taste of what heaven could be like.
And most of all I would like to thank God for the blessing of Christian fellowship and the opportunity to be together with those of like faith. Thank you, Lord!
God bless.
~ Submitted by Shelley Newman