Schofields Church Divine Service -5th September 2015
It was the desire of Amy and Benny Gules to have their firstborn son Levi dedicated to the Lord. It was a wonderful and touching moment as Br. Sas related at the beginning of the service that he was the one who dedicated his granddaughter Amy Angelica to God on the 12th December 1987 and how he feels so grateful to the Lord for being able to do the same now for his great-grandchild, Levi.
After the first hymn, prayer, offering and announcements, Br. Sas opened the meeting with the reading of a couple of paragraphs from the pen of inspiration:
“Mothers, hearing and seeing his words and works, desired that their children might come to him to be blessed. On one occasion one mother with her children left their home to find the Saviour. On the way they told others of their desire; and as they pursued their journey, mother after mother, with their little ones, joined the company, until, when they reached the place where the Saviour was, there was a little army of women and children who sought to reach his side. He was ministering the word to the people, and healing the sick; and when the women made known their errand, the disciples told them that the Master must not be disturbed. But Christ had heard the petition of the mothers, and at once his heart responded to their desire. He said, ‘Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’” The Review and Herald, January 7, 1909.
“You remember how the mothers brought their children to Jesus, that He might bless them. At first there were only one or two mothers. They were joined by others, and when they reached Jesus, there were quite a number of mothers and children. They were weary and dusty, but oh, so anxious to come into Christ’s presence and receive His blessing. Christ had watched these mothers and their little ones all along the way. He heard the disciples forbidding them to come to Him, and He said, ‘Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’ And He took the children in His arms, close to His great heart of love, and blessed them.” Manuscript Releases Volume 3, pp. 53, 54.
The congregation was then invited to stand and together sing the hymn “Lead them my God to Thee”. Then Br. Sas proceeded to read a few more statements from the pen of inspiration.
“Fathers and mothers, to you God has entrusted children, and upon you rests a great responsibility, that of patiently and faithfully educating them. To fit your children to become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King is your first duty. You are responsible to God carefully to educate them, from their earliest years, to be kind and helpful, patient and forbearing.” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 7 p. 16.
“…Let mothers now lead their children to Christ. Let ministers of the gospel take the little children in their arms, and bless them in the name of Jesus. Let words of tenderest love be spoken to the little ones; for Jesus took the lambs of the flock in his arms, and blessed them.” The Review and Herald, March 24, 1896.
Br Sas asked Benny and Amy to come forward and bring Levi to the front for the dedication prayer; he also asked the congregation to rise while they knelt down together. After the prayer, the congregation was asked to be seated.
Divine Service proceeded on the topic of the family. Some of the points expressed were:
The family is the most important unit that exists in this world, and it originated right back at creation.
To have a house is not to have a home, but we can have both; a house and a home. Whatever trials we’ve had in the past, if we surrender and submit ourselves to God, He can change the family; and the home will be as it was in the beginning, a bliss!
To close, Br Sas referred to the message in Malachi 4:6 “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers…” there will be a restoration of the family; when the hearts of the parents are united together and then united to their children, and Christ is in the centre, it will be a strong family “…and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12, last part.
The hymn “There Is Beauty All Around” was sung, and the final prayer was offered.
May God’s blessings be upon each family who chooses to have Jesus as their nucleus.
There Is Beauty All Around
By J H McNaughton
There is beauty all around, When there’s love at home;
There is joy in every sound, When there’s love at home.
Peace and plenty here abide, Smiling sweet on every side;
Time doth softly sweetly glide, When there’s love at home.
Love at home! Love at home!
Time doth softly sweetly glide,
When there’s love at home.
In the cottage there is joy, When there’s love at home;
Hate and envy ne’er annoy, When there’s love at home.
Roses blossom ‘neath our feet, All the earth’s a garden sweet,
Making life a bliss complete, When there’s love at home.
Kindly heaven smiles above, When there’s love at home;
All the world is fill’d with love, When there’s love at home.
Sweeter sings the brooklet by, Brighter beams the azure sky;
O, there’s One who smiles on high, When there’s love at home.
Jesus, make me wholly thine, Then there’s love at home;
May thy sacrifice be mine, Then there’s love at home.
Safely from all harm I’ll rest, With no sinful care distress’d,
Thro’ thy tender mercy blessed, When there’s love at home.