Baby Dedications – Queensland

Baby Dedications – Queensland

Josiah Nathaniel Dammasch, Joshua Ernst Dammasch and Belinda Rose Decuyper – 3 October 2015.


Sabbath afternoon at the Queensland Camp began with a special dedication service.  Brother Ben Thiel spoke for a few minutes on our Lord’s desire for the children not to be turned away.  He spoke of the day when Jesus walked on earth, and the disciples told the mothers that Jesus was too busy for the children.

Brother Csongor Matyas shared with us the responsibility of mothers and encouraged us that the Lord would help us in raising our little ones for the Lord.

Then Br. Ben asked the families to stand who were bringing their babies to be dedicated to the Lord.  Markus and Camille stood with their son, Joshua Ernst.  Josephine and Etienne were next with Belinda.  And then there was the second Dammasch family bringing another little boy; Ben and Cherith with their youngest baby, Josiah Nathaniel.

The dedication prayer started with Joshua Dammasch.  Bro Ben took Joshua in his arms and prayed for him and his parents.  Br. Csongor then took Belinda in his arms and prayed for her and her parents.  The dedication prayer part of the service concluded with Br. Ben dedicating little Josiah Dammasch.

The service was a solemn but encouraging reminder of our duty as parents.  May God help us all in raising our little ones for Him. The service was a solemn but encouraging reminder of our duty as parents.  May God help us all in raising our little ones for Him.

~ Cherith Dammasch

“Children are the heritage of the Lord, and we are answerable to Him for our management of His property. The education and training of their children to be Christians is the highest service that parents can render to God. It is a work that demands patient labor–a lifelong, diligent, and persevering effort. By a neglect of this trust we prove ourselves unfaithful stewards. . . .“

“In love, faith, and prayer let parents work for their households, until with joy they can come to God saying, ‘Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me.’”  The Adventist Home pp. 268, 269.