7th February to 12th June 2016
The Missionary Training Program started off very strongly at Elim Heights Youth Camp! Enthusiastic students and profound teachers were full of praise to God for this opportunity to be together where the truth can be learned and shared.
The first month was held at Elim Heights Youth Camp. Students went through the book “Gospel Workers”. They learnt how to do research and put a Bible study together; they also gave their first presentations.
Sister Ecaterina Szabo was the cook for the time the students and teachers spent at Elim Heights, to whom the students were very thankful. Each day, Sr Kati prepared wonderful meals catering for over 20 people. Her time and sacrifice is much appreciated.
While at Elim Heights, Sr Kati used this opportunity to rearrange the kitchen cupboards and also get the students involved in cleaning and scrubbing all the large saucepans.
On the last evening at Elim Heights, Sisters Susan Lausevic and Karen and Adriana Stefanescu helped Sr Katy prepare a special dinner in honour of four of the students who had their birthdays within four days of each other, and it was also a farewell dinner. The AUC office staff (Br Joe and Sr Lidia Voncina and Sr Elizabeth Thiel), Sr Elaine Weymark, Sr Mercy Dumaguit, Sr Rosemary Voncina, Sr Stela Gules and a visiting young man from Germany, Walter, also enjoyed the evening’s fellowship. Speeches and thoughts were shared by teachers and students about their time at the College thus far.
The next part of the Missionary Training Program is being held at the Schofields AUC Centre. The students have been divided to lodge at some of our church members’ homes. Class lectures on Tuesdays to Fridays are given by different teachers during the mornings; in the afternoons students have been doing colporteur work or distributing literature. The weekends are just as busy, as each student is assigned to visit different churches and groups; they are taking review and day lessons at Sabbath School and also Divine Services. During the week, they are also taking charge of the local churches’ Prayer Meetings as well as home visits and presenting Bible studies.
I would like to share some thoughts expressed by Nathan Tyler and also the students:
The 5th biannual Missionary Training Program commenced on the 7th of February, with 16 students. They were joined for the first month by two workers from the Philippines, for a total of 18 spending the month of February together at Elim Heights. The first morning class covered the book Gospel Workers, and the afternoon class has seen everyone researching, preparing and presenting a Bible study each week over the 4 weeks.
Students will attend the Victoria camp in March and will complete their program at the NSW Conference camp in June. You are invited to join them at these events, and if you live in the greater Sydney area you will have a chance to meet them on Sabbath at our churches and at a number of missionary events to be run in the coming weeks and months.
~ Nathan Tyler
Psalm 34:1 “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
This past one and a half months of Elim Missionary College has been a great blessing for me; great to meet young people learning to become soldiers in Christ’s ministry. The first month of the school was the very best time in my life. It was a time that I offered so much prayer, begging for God’s help in our research and development of the knowledge of God, and the many treasures (gems) in His Word.
We learned how to organise sermons and Bible studies and there is much more to learn; I encourage you all to attend this programme.
In times past people think that they understand so much about the Bible, but you will be surprised if you attend EMC Programme. In the meantime, we’re learning about prophecies and are also doing canvassing; last week we helped with the packing of a container for PNG, with clothing and books for those in need.
Teachers that are involved so far are: Br. P Lausevic, Br. N Tyler, Br. A.C Sas and Br. R Dumaguit. Also a special thanks to Sis. Szabo for all the delicious food she prepared for the first month and all who are involved in cooking for the duration of the College.
My prayer is for all of our members to attend and learn in the School of Christ. 2 Timothy 2:15 ‘Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.’ We appreciate and thank you all for your prayers as we continue to learn and work for the Master. God bless you all.
~ Larry Ah-ching
The first month of missionary school was a great blessing. I didn’t really know how to study the Bible properly beforehand and learning how to research a specific topic helped me to know how to discover the truths that God has left for us, for myself.
~ Cameron Thiel
On the 7 of February 2016, Elim Missionary School started. Everybody was excited to start the class. Well, I just want to share a glimpse of this wonderful experience. Anyway, we started at 3 o’clock sharp, and our first teacher welcomed us. The day went on, and we finished our first day with many things to study. I enjoyed it so much that I didn’t want to stop doing the Bible research for my topic. Usually after our first class from 8:00am to 1:00pm, we covered many things on how to be a great leader for today and the future. What really surprised me was the time spent there in the camp area was extremely great. I felt like the time was short. I definitely encourage everyone to go to EMC for spiritual building and learn new ways to study the Word of God. God bless and see you soon.
~ Abraham Dumaguit
Coming to missionary school I had come with my plans settled and ambitions made, but little did I know that when Christ becomes part of your life, all that is prone to change. I could write pages about all the delicious food, every new friend, and amazing memories that were made, but God worked in me earnestly just in that first month. The book Gospel Workers alone was an awesome eye-opener! The research training was such a blessing as well. Our teachers would train us to find our limits and push us to go beyond that. Learning to truly search the Scriptures with earnestness and prayer, for entire nights even, was really rewarding. God gave breath-taking revelations! I’d turn the sacred pages like never before, and right before my eyes were glorious gems in every verse! It really just brought the Bible alive on a beautiful personal level. This course has been a great opportunity, and I encourage others to delay no longer and join this life- changing experience!
~ Liliana Escobar
My experience at Elim Heights during missionary school was the perfect combination of intensive Bible research, a beautiful and secluded environment, and constant Christian fellowship. It brought about true spiritual invigoration, and deepened my desire as well as strengthened my ability to be a gospel worker. Listening to the experiences of our ministers was most inspiring, and researching a topic with their supervision was extremely helpful. I would do it again in a heartbeat!
~ Roxanne Fountain
Elim Missionary College has by far been one of the greatest highlights of my Christian experience. The quality of content and training has been such a help for my intended plans of outreach following E.M.C. In the first month, after having accomplished four public speaking assignments, I have found that the college has really exceeded my experience with sharing my faith with others. E.M.C. has been a once in a life time experience.
~ Jade Wales
I had been looking forward to missionary school for the last two months, but it is so much better than anything I could have imagined. The last few weeks have been a rollercoaster ride of incredible experiences, sermon preparation, canvassing, exams, awesome food, and spending time with a bunch of incredible young people. There is nothing like praying for someone at their doorstep, selling your first book while canvassing for the first time, preaching your first sermon (after thinking it was impossible to accomplish), or simply spending an evening in the forest under the stars recounting how God brought you here. That’s when you feel fulfilled and thankful for the great opportunity that you’ve been given.
~ Elisabeth Balarezo
One of the things I looked forward to the most was the Bible research class. But the most amazing thing happened when I began to see the links of the chain running throughout the Bible and interweaving the different subtopics within my subject. The more time I spent searching for the hidden diamonds within the Bible, the more I became fascinated by how intricate and yet simple the truths are presented. It definitely expands the mind! A typical afternoon of study found me at the back of the room in a corner with all my 16 pages of research spread all around me on the floor. Definitely a happy moment; I was in the zone! Also the food was amazing! But nothing could have prepared me for how wonderful it is to be able to help others either through a Bible study or by simply standing at a person’s door and praying with them during canvassing. From that experience and many others since, I can truly say that when you allow God to work, you really feel and see His power not only in your own life but in those to whom you reach out.
~ Daniela Balarezo
If there is something I can say about my experience so far, it is that missionary school is even better than what I expected! I have gotten the privilege to hear the experiences and lectures of ministers that have an immense reservoir of knowledge, to make friends for life with youth who I have come to know are the best and brightest, all unique individuals with diverse talents, and dig into the Word of God to find gems and diamonds of truth. I am grateful to Brother Peter and Brother Nathan, who taught us that if we search hard and dig deep, we will find diamonds; and no experience is better than feeling the Holy Spirit bring enlightenment and extraordinary new aspects to ordinary subjects. The best experience of all was the process by which the sermon was put together. As I focused more and more, I locked into the trail that the Holy Spirit had outlined before my very eyes. Delving deep into research, reading quote after quote, recognizing a word from one text in the paragraph of another, a chain of light emerged. God’s revelation in His Word became as a web of truth in which one strand was connected to the other, and I could trace the message from verse to verse. I got to understand the meaning of the verse in Proverbs 2:4, “If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures.” The Lord truly reveals Himself when we look in His Word. Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” This is an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life, which is why I believe everyone should come to Missionary School.
~ Serban Ionita
So far, missionary school has been a great experience and a rich blessing for me. I have really enjoyed being able to take time away from everyday life and devote full days to studying God’s Word and learning how to lead others to Christ. The first month at Elim Heights was a blessing both spiritually and socially, and I really appreciated the efforts of Sr. Cathy Szabo in the kitchen and Br. Robin Gordon in managing the farm and keeping everything running smoothly. I also learned that Clancy the “tame” kangaroo does not appreciate being petted by someone who is empty- handed, and the image attached shows him letting me know how he felt! Thankfully, I was not seriously injured and came away with only a few scratches. Since moving away from the farm to Sydney, my highlight would have to be learning the canvassing work. It is such a blessing to see what happens when I realize my own weakness and rely wholly on God to open the doors of houses and hearts and to see how many people are interested in both the physical and spiritual health messages. So far, I would definitely recommend missionary school for everyone who wants to challenge themselves and become better equipped to handle the Word of God and lead others to Christ.
~ Jordan Chapman
Before I came to missionary school I thought I knew quite enough, but after being there I realized I knew very little, to say the least.
It is so amazing to hear from others’ experiences how our loving Father is incessantly working by different ways, under different circumstances, using the frail instruments as they offer to Him to reach the insensitive, stubborn and rebellious hearts of others. The most amazing part is to know that many have been so convinced of His love as to give their hearts to Jesus and will be able to share eternal happiness with the redeemed in heaven.
It is more than a privilege and honour for me to be able to take part in this missionary training at EMC and to be used in the wonderful work of our Master while it is still day.
~ Herold Etes
A number of outreaches are planned during the term the students will be here. Progress report on activities will be given in the next series of Good Tidings.
May each student be enriched as they attend this program so that they will be better equipped to share the message of hope to the world.
~ Reported by Lidia Voncina