Now I’m 80

Now I’m 80

Mervyn Southwell

Sister Elizabeth Brittain wishes to dedicate this poem to her brother Mervyn Southwell, who reached the ripe ‘young’ age of 80 on the 26th May 2016!

Congratulations on this special year of your life Br. Mervyn. May God continue to bless you throughout the coming years!

Mervyn Southwell__Cropped

Now I’m 80

To-day Dear Lord I’m 80, and so much I haven’t done,
I hope Dear Lord you’ll let me live till I am 81;
But if I haven’t finished all the things I want to do –
Would you let me stay awhile until I am 82?

There are so many places I’d so much like to see
Do you think you could manage to make it 83?
The world is changing fast and there’s so much to explore,
Do you think you could manage to make it 84?

And if my doctor tells me that by then I’m still alive
It would be super, good Lord, to live to 85.
Then maybe you’ll go further and let me choose and pick
And I’ll be grateful Lord if I can last to 86.

The Scripture tells us often of the joys of reaching Heaven,
But maybe you’ll grant me one more, the joys of 87.
By then Lord – I’ll age, maybe totter! Be slowed down, and sometimes late
But even then I’ll have seen that life is rich at 88.

Each day on earth is precious so I’m asking one more time,
Please Lord with your permission could I try for 89
Whatever years are granted me, whatever is my fate
I’ll pray throughout them all, that we’ll meet at Heaven’s Gate.

~ Author Unknown

Submitted by Elizabeth Brittain


“The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” Psalms 90:10, 12.