May 14th 2016
Guildford Church members decided to run a visitor’s day at church on this particular Sabbath. Invitations were printed, and visitors’ packs were made. The choir prepared 3 special hymns for the day, and members and friends invited various contacts to come along and fellowship with us.
After a very interactive adult Sabbath School lesson where we enjoyed discussing on the topic Incarnation of Christ, the Youth Explorer class presented a special praise item entitled, “My Tribute” together with Hayden Wiseman on the violin and Gerson Robles on the guitar. The words to this hymn are absolutely beautiful, and everyone was blessed as we praised the Lord.
During Divine Service, Guildford Church Choir sang two hymns, “For the Beauty of the Earth” and “Wonderful Grace of Jesus”. Luke Kneebone then spoke on the subject of “Redemption’s Mystery Revealed”. Showing how redemption was revealed in symbols, prophecies and object lessons since creation and throughout history, Luke then focused on how the good tidings of salvation were clouded in mystery at the first advent of Jesus and how the Lord did then open up the understanding of the disciples after the resurrection and they were able to see clearly the greatest mystery ever revealed to the human race. Our hearts did thrill as we saw how the mystery of redemption will blaze in full glory, when finally each one of God’s people will shine forth Christ from within – as it is written, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” The mystery of redemption will then be known throughout the length and breadth of the globe.
After enjoying a delicious vegan lunch and social interaction with our visitors, we ran a short afternoon program on the subject of “Maintaining Optimum Health”. An SDA Pastor and his wife were among our visitors, and he was asked if he would like to share anything prior to the meeting. He spoke of some interesting research done by a man named Dan Buetneer who set out to discover why populations in five key areas around the globe lived longer than every other people around the world. What he found ties in very much with the light God has given us in regards to health reform.
The Lord blessed us with a good amount of visitors; and although we should be inviting people to come along each Sabbath, it was good to have a special program just for visitors. We’ll definitely do it again.