For several weeks now the local members and supportive interests living in the Werribee area have been actively planning to expand our presence. Following a planning meeting held recently, we are now reaching out into the community where new contacts have been established, and programs designed to meet the needs of locals have been well received. We also hold a weekly prayer meeting in members’ homes.
With very few exceptions Sabbath services are being held each week, and we now have regular weekly visitors and interests attending. Varying in number each Sabbath, we still have an average of 12-15 in attendance. We generally have an activity each Sabbath afternoon, and these afternoon outreach programs are varied to encourage those around us.
A sample of activities are as follows:
September 3rd – Door to door around our local church using the Bible example of two by two. The purpose being to make contact for invitations to fellowship or survey of what individual interests may be, i.e. vegetarian cooking classes, depression recovery, quit smoking classes and other health-related matters.
September 10th – Outreach to a local nursing home where about 20 of us presented musical items and left each resident with a small gift. We were very well received and were invited back again each month. We have visited twice to date.
September 17th – Door to door again. We conducted further surveys on health and spirituality and also shared invitations to locals for ‘Getting To Know God’ Bible study evenings once a week.
September 24th – The council had another use for our worship rooms, so time was spent at the Laverton market where we set up a stand. We sang hymns, engaged in conversation with the locals and handed out several boxes of literature, DVD’s and tracts. Blessings all round.
These outreach programs will continue throughout each month by God’s grace. Following the ‘Week Of Prayer’ in December, we will be running a prophecy seminar from 12th to the 18th. ‘Meltdown to Eternity’ is the title of the seminar, and early next year we are planning another ‘Depression Recovery Program’. More details early in the new year.
God is blessing our efforts here in Werribee.
~ Br Geoff McCutcheon
Above Photo: Stand at Laverton market