Peter Daniel Lausevic, an ordained Minister and Bible Worker moved to Australia in 2007. He pastored Schofields Church in the NSW Conference and served as the NSW Conference President for at least two terms. Brother Peter reestablished the “Elim Missionary College”, its previous program having ended in 2001. In 2008, and every two years thereafter until 2016, Brother Peter led out in the running and administration of five Australian-based, four-month-long intensive but practical missionary training programs. He also taught some of the classes.
At the General Conference Session in 2007, Brother Peter was chosen as 2nd General Conference Vice-President residing outside the USA. From that time, Brother Peter gave a large portion of his time to the Australasian Union Conference and travelled also for the General Conference to assist in the training of youth and evangelical outreach programs in countries such as Switzerland, London, India, South Africa, Philippines, Ukraine, Brazil, Italy, Peru and the USA.
In 2015 Brother Peter became 1st General Conference Vice-President, which requires him to live in Roanoke to assist the President and the running of the General Conference Headquarters.
Brother Peter’s main focus and passion is education and training of workers and evangelical outreach in weaker units throughout the world. His desire is to maintain education and training of workers all over the world and to set up an Educational Centre in Roanoke for leadership and teacher training.
Brother Peter worked tirelessly and faithfully for the Lord during his time in Australia, proving himself a blessing to all of God’s people here. In sharing all of the above, it goes without saying that his wife, Sister Susan, has been a wonderful support to him and to the AUC. We trust that the Lord will be with them both in this new phase in their ministry for the Lord.
We thank you, Brother Peter, for your faithful, dedicated service from the bottom of our hearts. We will miss you greatly. May God continue to use you mightily in His service.
With Christian love from all your brothers and sisters here in Australia.
God bless you!
~ Craig Cunningham