Ministers and Bible Workers from accross the AUC were gathered from Monday 5th to Sunday 11th of March at Elim Heights to study and consider the vital topics of the atonement and righteousness by faith.
There were presentations on various subjects including: The Nature of Man & the Fall, Faith & Works, The Function of the Law of God, Christ’s Nature and the Nature of Man, Historical Context of the 1888 General Conference Session, Lessons from 1888, Christ’s Intercession and the Close of Probation, Universal Reconciliation and its Relation to Justification by Faith.
After the end of each presentation there was an open forum for discussion, questions and further study. Those attending were able to dig deep in Scripture and inspiration and consolidate their views on various vital points. A full doctrinal report of the subjects considered is attached below.
On Friday night 9th and Sabbath 10th of March, Schofields church hosted combined NSW Conference Meetings and presentations were given on the following subjects:
Meeting 1: Filthy Rags
Meeting 2: The Wedding Garment
Meeting 3: Our Title to Heaven
Meeting 4: Our Fitness for Heaven
May the Lord bless the ministry in the AUC as they continue to study and promote this vital subject.
~ Gerson Robles