We held our first cooking demonstration in the Riverina since moving to Wagga on Tuesday 16th of October at a Uniting Church Hall in Glenfield Park, an outer suburb of Wagga. We had limited spaces specified on the flyer for about 25 spaces, which we had a lot of calls and interest shown exceeding that number. Although on the night only 15 that registered came, we were still thankful, especially with the interest, interaction and feed back shown by them. We had some attend who were health conscious, one who had just become vegetarian only a few years ago and some who just wanted to broaden their knowledge and variety of cooking.
We started the evening off with a presentation from Domenic just giving an introduction into vegetarianism and who we were. He covered the benefits of vegetarianism and our goals for cooking demonstrations which are to provide meals that are:
- Cost effective;
- Healthy and Simple;
- Tasty and presentable.
Following on after the presentation was our demonstrations presented by Jodie Matthies and Nadine Polistina. Jodie demonstrated a Hearty Soup where all the ingredients were orange and red in colour and also a Carob Mousse. Nadine presented Walnut Oat Patties and Raw “Egg” Salad.
The evening ran smoothly and with success thanks to the Lord’s help and all those that were involved. Looking forward to holding our next one in three months’ time and making friendships with our attendees and getting to know them better as we show God’s love and demonstrate it in a practical way through health.
~ Domenic Polistina