Friday 28thSeptember – Monday 1 October 2018
It was a clear, sunny day as we all arrived at the beautiful Minden Retreat camp grounds. After opening Sabbath, we all enjoyed a delicious meal from our wonderful cooks – The Brown Family. The camp theme “Now is the Time” focused on our great need of being prepared for the close of probationary time and coming of Jesus. How can we prepare for these great events? The studies presented revealed the fact that faith in the word of God and full surrender of ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, can alone prepare us for that great day.
During the Sabbath we had many visitors from other states, countries and churches and we all enjoyed a time of blessed fellowship.
The young people’s meeting was an activity-based meeting where the congregation was split into groups with the aim, that after Bible research and team work, we could form a timeline spanning from before the birth of Christ until the end of the book of Revelation. The activity was thoroughly enjoyed, and the result was a very long trail of prophecies with corresponding timelines.
On Sunday the sun disappeared and the rain starting bucketing down. However, this did not dampen the spirits. Everyone heartily engaged in the workshops and all participated to answer the question: “What would you do to bless the world if you had unlimited resources?”
Many ideas were put forth: – health retreats, schools, aboriginal health and wellbeing centres, agricultural learning centre etc.
We were all inspired to act in faith and plead with God to make our vision a reality.
The Sunday afternoon activity was based on an amazing challenge, with each section of the challenge teaching a Bible life lesson. Thankfully the rain held off during this time and we were able to enjoy the outdoors.
All in all, the camp was very much needed and was a blessing to everyone, with each of us being reminded of the importance of being ready for the soon coming of Christ. Along with this, many new friendships were made. We praise God for His care in giving us the blessings of associating together with those of like faith.
~ Reported by Jade Wales