Some thoughts received by the Education Department from mothers of young children regarding the children’s on-line programs:
“We are in the USA in a church without other young children. For us, the interactive Sabbath School class begins Friday evenings, and my children now look forward to the opening of Sabbath as they never have before. It’s been a great blessing and encouragement for them to see other children like themselves studying to follow the Lord. Thank you so much for making this available!” Alicia – USA
“We, as a family, have been very thankful for the children’s classes. My children enjoy the short and very interesting Bible studies. The teachers put a lot of effort into making them at a child’s level. It’s also nice to see their friends from around Australia. It gives the children a sense of belonging and a way to keep in touch with their friends. Every off week from the Bible class we have had a different family doing something practical with the children. This has been fun with different ones blessing us with their talents. If you haven’t joined in with your children yet, please do. They will be blessed, and we look forward to seeing you!” Danica – Australia