On Sabbath, 13th November, we had a special afternoon meeting at Schofields Church to celebrate and farewell one of our most valued church members. Sr Elaine Weymark has moved up the NSW coast to be closer to her children, and before she left we thought it fitting to spend an afternoon reminiscing on her time with us over the years.
Br Joe Voncina led the meeting, and we were favoured with musical items and personal testimonies from members of the congregation, sharing memories of Sr Weymark. Sr Weymark herself warmed our hearts with stories of her younger days with Br Weymark: how they met; their time travelling and working across Australia; and then, more recently, her work at Elim Heights and the children’s building, and her excitement that the Elim Health Store and Bookshop became a reality and continues to be blessed.
People from both younger and older generations took turns to share their stories of Sr Weymark, and, after 3 hours with hardly an end in sight, it was clear that Sr Weymark had left a mark on all of us over the years. Her kindness, thoughtfulness, and sweet nature has been, and will continue to be, an enormous blessing to all of us.
Following the close of the meeting, Sr Weymark was presented with a beautiful cake prepared by Sr Lidia Voncina and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers put together by Sr Maryanne Stoyko. A farewell gift and card containing messages and signatures from those who were present, was also given to her. We had the opportunity to take photos with Sr Weymark, and then the cake was cut and served for all to enjoy.
We pray for God’s continued blessings, protection, and guidance over Sr Weymark in the next phase of her life, and we look forward to seeing her again soon, either in Sydney or to drop by and visit her new place on travels up the coast.
~ Reported by Vivian Cosson