Jindabyne – 27 December 2021
“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.”
Proverbs 6:6
After much preparation and anticipation, it was time to hold our very first Camponotus Kids ev-ANT.
Many parents came together with their children and camped at the Alpine Village in Jindabyne. The program for over 20 children between the ages of 5 and 12 took place on Monday 27th December 2021.
The day started with a prayer and the children learning the first verse of their “Camponotus Kids” theme song. This was followed by an icebreaker activity so the children could get to know one another, continue to develop social and communication skills, learn to take turns, and listen and be interested in others. A story and spiritual lesson was shared with the children, where they were helped to understand what ‘diligence’ means and how it affects those around us. Each child received a booklet which contained the story “Little Corners,” and this session was finished by all singing the song: “Jesus Bids Us Shine.” We thank Jane Wiseman for her wonderful drawing skills in illustrating this booklet.
Another ‘get to know you’ activity was held before a craft session took place, where the children made an ant from spoons and pipe cleaners. During this activity the children learnt what a carpenter ant is and why they are called a carpenter ant. It was explained that just like the carpenter ant is a little thing that can do big things, so they are little people that can do great things for Jesus. The ant carried a quote in its mouth: “Jesus can do big things through little things.”
It was time to get moving again, so the children enjoyed orienteering. During this activity, they learnt about compasses and learnt direction by using landmarks. They learnt to be observant about the world around them. They also learnt to watch for landmarks when walking in the bush and to be aware of changing environments and how they can use this to guide them.
The weather was perfect for the outdoor activities prepared. These included an obstacle course, skipping and a ball game. During these activities the children were encouraged to challenge their gross motor skills. When lunchtime came, they were more than ready for it!
Another hands-on activity took place where the children made slime by mixing corn flour and water together. Many lessons were learnt by this experiment, and the children truly enjoyed playing with the slime. When a fluid’s viscosity is constant it is referred to as a Newtonian fluid. Slime is an example of a fluid whose viscosity is not constant; it changes depending on the stress or forces applied to it. It was then time to clean up, and with this activity the day was concluded. Dinner once again was very welcome.
We praise God for enabling us to hold this ev-ANT and for the fellowship that we all shared with one another.