We asked the children to name one thing they were thankful for. It was a delight to hear “I’m thankful that we can have Camponotus.” Although there were hours of work, planning and organising that went into the program held on the 13-14 June, it was just as much anticipated and enjoyed by the organisers. It brings so much delight to our hearts to see the smiles, hear the laughter and share the challenges with the children.
With the general theme centred around the importance of ‘listening to’, ‘following instructions’ and ‘lessons learned from Jonah’, a primary activity involved building a Lego pack. However, we surprised the teams by removing all the instructions. Several took on this challenge with amusement, but they responded with a ready “YES!” when the instructions were handed out.
We have all been there – the delight of opening a new purchase – then attempting to use it without reading the manual. In some instances, this serves us well enough, but the frustrations when it doesn’t work!!! After voicing my grievance to my Dad on more than one occasion I would always be met with the same answer, “Well did you read the manual?”
As the children embark on their life journey, they are daily receiving instructions from God through godly parents, teachers and pastors. The activities and lessons presented throughout the program were designed to instil in them the importance of listening and following instruction, because without this, like Jonah, our path leads us into trouble.
The program included practical lessons in orienteering directed by Brothers Nathan and Rolf. The children were very eager participants – my children know how to read a compass better than I do now and have continued to demonstrate this in the weeks which followed. We are looking forward to this training leading to safely hiking the National Park surrounding Elim Heights using a compass during our New Year program.
The children enjoyed riding their bicycles around the Elim Heights bypass. Regardless of stopping at five points to complete a task, they completed the circuit in record time.
We are so grateful to all those involved in this program who made it possible – children, parents, instructors, organisers, the cook and those who work behind the scenes cheering us on as we endeavour – with one heart and mind – to educate for eternity.
Camponotus Kids News
We look forward to reports from our Queensland and Western Australian Camponotus teams who will be delivering the programs over the coming months. WA already held their first ev-ANT on Sunday the 1st May and are getting ready to hold their 2nd one during September, Qld will hold their first on 7th August and their 2nd after Qld Camp in October.
A presentation program, with badges etc. will be held at end of year AUC Conference.
NSW/Victoria will be holding their third program in Seymour 27-30th September. The program will continue to build on the Orienteering learned.
We are excited to share the news that this program has been extended to include 13-16 years as well. This will launch in January with the first program running between Monday morning 2nd to Wednesday night 4th January alongside the other two Camponotus Kids age groups. This program will incorporate developing a strong relationship with Jesus, understanding our mission on earth, life skills, survival skills, leadership and team skills.
There are four ev-ANTS planned for each year
Registration fees for Camponotus Kids – $140/child per year
Non-registered children who participate in ev-ANTS $40/child per ev-ANT
Anyone who would like to sponsor a child or make donations to Camponotus Kids Program please contact the Union Treasurer. All donations are much appreciated and most welcome.
Summer School
We are so grateful to God for bringing us through a very difficult period over the past couple of years of lockdowns due to Covid. Now this crisis has past, we look forward to re-establishing our summer school which will be held at Elim Heights following conference.
Sunday 1st January, though not part of summer school, will be a special full day outing for everyone. This will be followed by three days of practical activities and lessons. So, if you are able to build a few extra days into your plans following the annual conference, we would love you to join us.
~ Ruth Rodionoff – Education Department Director