“Go to the ant thou sluggard, consider her ways, and be wise.” Proverbs 6:6.
The Lord blessed with gorgeous weather, and we began the program with prayer and the Camponotus Kids theme song, then kicked off with “Getting to Know You” game. At first, some of the children were a little shy but as the game moved forward, they started coming out of their shell and joyfully participated.
Next was a craft activity, making ants using pipe cleaners and plastic spoons. These looked interesting upon completion. The activity was followed by a short talk about “Carpenter Ants.” The objective was to learn what a carpenter ant is and how hard working they are.
During craft time, Jacques took time to set up our next activity, Obstacle Course. The children had so much fun attempting this activity! They were all given a trial run. They were also timed while attempting the course. In addition, treats were placed along the course to distract and hence reducing their finishing time should they stop to collect these treats along the way. They soon learned the benefits of giving undivided attention to their end goal. Sis Lidia had so much fun too, putting her skills to the test.
After lunch, Johnny Thiel took over, introducing the group to Orienteering and instructing on the use of a compass to find direction. They were also taught the proper use of landmarks. This was a theoretical introduction to orienteering only. We hope to progress to more practical application at our next gathering.
We then moved to the messy part, our science experiment—“Slime Activity.” The children got to mixed cornflour with water and test the theory of “resistance” and how we must listen to God as He will help us resist and overcome temptations. Needless to say, the children loved the messiness of this activity.
Tug of War was enjoyed by all present. This activity was about working together as a team. They especially enjoyed teaming up against Johnny, Jacques and Gerson.
In all, the Lord blessed the day and the many lessons learned.
We are to encourage these young children to give their hearts to God from a very young age. With God by their side, they will achieve great and mighty things.
~ Michelle Payet