With the help of many brethren and sisters around the region, including some from Australia, the work in the Solomon Islands has been progressing. The following was condensed from a report on welfare work written by Br. Thomas Ngunts, a missionary stationed in the Solomons on behalf of the South Pacific Union Mission.
Thank the Lord for His loving kindness all through last year, and now we are already into 2023. I just want to write a brief report of the welfare work here in the Solomon Islands Mission Field in 2022.
With assistance from donors in Australia, we made a trip early last year with two bales of clothes and food to the Weather Coast (on the opposite side of the island from Honiara).
In June we made another trip and held a youth convention for one week. During the youth convention, the youth were engaged in welfare work by going out into the villages and distributing clothes which we received, thanks to support from overseas. The youth and members really enjoyed reaching out to the local people in other ways as well. These ways included applying natural treatments to those who were unwell, praying with people and preaching the Word of God. Classes were also held on how to make compost for agriculture and how to do simple natural treatments for disease.
As a result of these efforts, two candidates were baptised on the 24th of December, 2022. That brings our membership on the Weather Coast to three. A small building for worship has been prepared using bush materials. We have many interests in the area, and three people put their names forward for Bible studies to prepare for baptism.
Donations also assisted us to return to the Western Province to visit interests and members there. We arrived in August, 2022 and spent one week visiting and giving Bible studies to the interested families. These dear people have accepted the message of Reformation and are preparing for baptism. Another trip there is being planned for this year.
We are grateful for the support we have received from overseas, particularly from Western Australia. The brethren and sisters there have been very supportive of our welfare and missionary work.
Thank you to all who have sent your gifts and remembered us with much prayer and support during 2022.
God bless you all,
Thomas Ngunts