Sign up for lessons by mail (Australian residents only).
To sign up for the Present Truth Correspondence Course by mail, simply e-mail us your name, address, and phone number and your first lessons will be sent to you. When you have completed the lesson, fill in the review guide and mail it back to the Present Truth Correspondence Course in the envelope provided. Your lesson will then be corrected and returned to you with your new set of lessons. Upon completion of the entire course, you will receive a Completion Certificate.
Sign up for lessons by internet (Anyone).
To sign up for lessons by internet, e-mail us with your name and e-mail address, with “sign up” in the subject line of your e-mail. You can then start immediately. Read through the first lesson from the PTCC Lessons page. Fill in the Quiz questions at the bottom of the lesson and submit it. Your answers will then be marked and e-mailed back to you. You can then go through to the next lesson and continue in the same way until you have completed the whole series of thirty lessons. At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion in the mail, or if you wish, ask to have it delivered personally wherever this may be possible.