Present Truth Correspondence Course Topics
- God’s Letter to You – All about God’s Word, the Bible.
- The Folly of Rebellion – How sin originated.
- Creation – Our Heritage – The creation of earth, how and by whom.
- The Downfall of Man – What happened when man disobeyed God.
- A Plan to Restore – After experiencing the terrible results of sin, changing from a life in perfect paradise to this sinful dark world, God did not leave Adam and Eve without hope, but gave them the promise of a Redeemer. God’s wonderful love is revealed.
- The Sure Word of Prophecy – How does God speak to man? Is prophecy important?
- Foundation Prophecy of World Events – History of the great world empires. Where are we today?
- Good News from Heaven – The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the good news of salvation is to be taught throughout the whole world.
- Heaven’s Communication System – How can we as sinners communicate with God in Heaven. What is prayer?
- Celestial Visitors – This lesson guide is all about angels. What are some of the important roles they play in man’s behalf and how eager they are to help us during our difficult times.
- Jesus Christ’s Dual Natures – Who is Jesus. Was He just a man, a social worker, a great prophet or was He God? Jesus Christ was all of these and more.
- The Perfect Law of Liberty – Everything is controlled by laws. Laws are given to protect our rights, property and a pure moral life. It was God’s will to shield us from unpleasant consequences, and the same law that governs Heaven, the “Ten Commandments”, is also to govern mankind. God’s Laws are changeless and perfect.
- The Sign of the Living God – What is the sign of God? Is it visible or invisible?
- The Sanctuary – The purpose for the Sanctuary and its services and what it represented.
- The Living Temple – Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. How to care for our bodies and health.
- Another Opportunity – We are all given the privilege to be born again. Why do we need a second birth?
- A Happy Family – How we can have a perfect home here on earth.
- What Happens After Death? – What the Bible has to say regarding what happens when a person dies.
- Spiritualism – What is spiritualism, how does it work and what does God say on the subject through His Word.
- Thrust of a Final Work Where are they found and what are they?
- God’s Embassy on Earth – What is God’s Embassy here on Earth?
- Spiritual Gifts – The gift of the Holy Spirit.
- Heaven’s Naturalization Ceremony – Baptism.
- Memorials of Salvation – The Lord’s Supper.
- The End of the World – Holocaust or Harmony.
- Heaven’s High Court – The Judgement.
- When Will the Dead Rise – Resurrection.
- Jesus is Coming Again – How will our Saviour Jesus Christ return to this world again.
- God’s Strange Act – What is God’s strange act – the punishment of the Wicked seems to be against His great love and persevering mercy.
- Heaven on Earth – The Earth made new. Oh what a joy to have sin banished from this world and a new perfect world re-created.
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