Department News (Page 3)
Department News
Welfare Department Work in Oceania
For the past two years several outreach seminars were planned by the Welfare Department to take place in the various islands of Oceania. Due to various funding issues and time constraints the department was unable to complete the scheduled events until just now. As we write this report to you, several more events are in progress. One of the most recent events was a one day Agriculture and Garden Improvement Seminar held in Western Samoa. The members and visitors in…
Alive & Kicking – AUC Health Department Camp Meeting
The recent camp meeting, Alive and Kicking, was held at Elim Heights on December 25-29th. This camp was run by the Health Department of the Australasian Union Conference. Naturally the focus during this time was the subject of healthy living, both physically and spiritually, and some of the ways in which this can be accomplished. Each morning there were a couple of groups for the early morning exercises, followed by worship and breakfast to start the day. We then separated…
New Zealand Health Outreach
The New Zealand Field held public health presentations followed by cooking demonstrations on the 4th and 7th of October. The theme was “Spring into Health” “The Vegetarian Way.” Brother Alasdair Pow presented on three subjects, “Beating Heart Disease”, “Overcoming Obesity” and “Superfoods for Fighting Cancer.” Colourful flyers were distributed in the surrounding suburbs of the hall that we hired and in the local paper. Thirty-one (31) people attended the first session on the Thursday evening and 35-38 on Sunday’s two…
Rockhampton Concert August 2012
The following report was received from Benjamin Fuenzalida, a member of the QLD Conference Young People’s Department. Rocky concert, 11:00am 24th August, 2012 Since the Rockhampton prophecy seminars in June 2012, Annette, the manager of Bauhinia House (where the seminars where held) had known about the musical talents God has blessed our youth with. As she was organising a luncheon concert for the Senior Citizens Club, she asked John Araya if he could arrange for some of our youth to…
RainDrops Christian Media Library
Guildford Church Media Ministry in Western Australia has setup a new media website for hosting sermon videos and other Christian media content. The media website is named after the ministry’s name, ‘RainDrops’. You can check it out at At the moment it is displaying a collection of sermons by various speakers posted on the internet by our churches in Guildford WA, Schofields NSW and Clayfield QLD. RainDrops Media Ministry adopted its name in 2012 as an expression of the…
Papua New Guinea Teacher’s Training Seminar
From the 16-20 September, 2012, a Teacher’s Training Seminar was held in Papua New Guinea Mission Field. The seminar was a further step in the preparation of Teachers for the first three Christian day schools set to commence operations in February next year. We have been blessed by the support of “Christian Light Publications”, suppliers of “Christian Light Education” (CLE) curricula materials. Elmer Glick, a trainer from the USA, and Jason Kauffmann, the CLP representative in Australia, delivered the training…
New Media Website: RainDrops Christian Media Library
Guildford Church Media Ministry has setup a new media website for hosting sermon videos and other Christian media content. The media website is named after the ministry’s name, ‘RainDrops’. You can check it out at RainDrops Media Ministry adopted its name in 2012 as an expression of the members’ desire to be part of the action under the Latter Rain experience. Since 2011, the production of DVDs has been its main object. The DVDs are still being bought…
Depression Recovery Program – Keilor, VIC
The Victoria Conference will be hosting a Depression Recovery Program in Keilor Park in September and October (Commences September 11, 2012). The program features the latest in research on the connection between lifestyle and mental illness, and offers practical steps to recovery. The Depression Recovery Program will be of particular interest to those suffering from anxiety or depression, those wishing to help a loved one with the condition, and anyone interested in preventive measures to maintain peak mental performance. Space is…
Solomon Islands Mission Conference & Health Outreach
Local tradition believes that the Solomon Islands are called by this name after King Solomon in the Bible. They say that he came there to gather some natural resources such as gold for the building of the temple. Solomon Islands is the newest Mission Field in our region being first opened by Br Jaksic a few years ago. We have one main church group situated on the main island about 40 kilometres away from the capital Honiara. We have…
Solomon Islands – February 2012 Visit
The following news was received from Br Csongor Matyas, SA Field Leader, who assisted the AUC by accompanying Br Brian Jaksic last February on a pioneering trip to the growing interests in Solomon Islands. “In February 2012 Br Jaksic and I spent 12 days visiting and encouraging the growing little church in Solomon Islands. Despite the hot and humid weather we had a wonderful time fellowshipping with the brethren. During our stay Br Jaksic and myself presented a series of…
AUC Strategic Plan for 2012-2014
On the 8th – 9th July, 2012, the Executive Committee in conjunction with Departmental Leaders confirmed an Australasian Union Conference Strategic Plan for the next two years. All present at the meeting recognised that our great need as a people is entire consecration to Christ and His cause. More importantly, all believe that to encourage consecration in all our Fields and Conferences requires a concerted effort from workers, ministers and lay members. Solid steps must be taken by all of…
Elim Health Medical Missionary School 2012 – Commencement
Elim Health Medical Missionary School commenced its first training program on the 2nd July 2012 at Elim heights campground. There were nine students enrolled in the one year distance education course where the basics of natural medicine will be studied. The first semester covers the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology. The students were given a series of lectures by Br Alasdair Pow based upon their textbooks on the human organism and the skeletal system. They will continue during the next…