'evangelism' Tagged Posts
RainDrops Christian Media Library
Guildford Church Media Ministry in Western Australia has setup a new media website for hosting sermon videos and other Christian media content. The media website is named after the ministry’s name, ‘RainDrops’. You can check it out at http://raindrops.sdarm.org.au. At the moment it is displaying a collection of sermons by various speakers posted on the internet by our churches in Guildford WA, Schofields NSW and Clayfield QLD. RainDrops Media Ministry adopted its name in 2012 as an expression of the…
New Media Website: RainDrops Christian Media Library
Guildford Church Media Ministry has setup a new media website for hosting sermon videos and other Christian media content. The media website is named after the ministry’s name, ‘RainDrops’. You can check it out at http://raindrops.sdarm.org.au RainDrops Media Ministry adopted its name in 2012 as an expression of the members’ desire to be part of the action under the Latter Rain experience. Since 2011, the production of DVDs has been its main object. The DVDs are still being bought…
AUC Strategic Plan for 2012-2014
On the 8th – 9th July, 2012, the Executive Committee in conjunction with Departmental Leaders confirmed an Australasian Union Conference Strategic Plan for the next two years. All present at the meeting recognised that our great need as a people is entire consecration to Christ and His cause. More importantly, all believe that to encourage consecration in all our Fields and Conferences requires a concerted effort from workers, ministers and lay members. Solid steps must be taken by all of…
GC Sabbath School Seminar – NSW Conference
During the weekend of March 9-11, 2012 Br Paul Chapman, our General Conference Sabbath School Department Director, was invited to conduct a Sabbath School Seminar for the benefit of Sabbath School Leaders and Teachers in the NSW Conference. The Seminar commenced Friday evening, March 9, and focused on the theme, “Evangelism Through the Sabbath School”. Many expressed their appreciation for the emphasis on the purpose of the Sabbath School as the most effective local church agent in bringing souls to…