'ordination' Tagged Posts
Papua New Guinea Spiritual Conference 2012
Greetings from your brothers and sisters in the land of the unexpected! After three years of camp meetings being held in the warmth of the Markum Valley, this year it was back to the cool of the highlands for the Delegation Session and Spiritual Conference in Papua New Guinea. The delegation session was a time to evaluate the work performed over the last two years, reorganise and plan for the future. It was encouraging to see the work that had…
WA Field Conference: Revive Us Again
The biennial WA Field Conference was held on the weekend of September 13-16. Our theme was “Revive Us Again,” on the subject of Revival & Reformation. God provided perfect weather for us throughout the conference and it was a delight to meet again at the conference campgrounds. At our previous Field Delegation session last year it was decided to hold more group Bible studies and study groups as opposed to ‘sermons’ during the camp meeting. The decision was based on…
Solomon Islands – February 2012 Visit
The following news was received from Br Csongor Matyas, SA Field Leader, who assisted the AUC by accompanying Br Brian Jaksic last February on a pioneering trip to the growing interests in Solomon Islands. “In February 2012 Br Jaksic and I spent 12 days visiting and encouraging the growing little church in Solomon Islands. Despite the hot and humid weather we had a wonderful time fellowshipping with the brethren. During our stay Br Jaksic and myself presented a series of…
Papua New Guinea School Project
New PNG Government legislation, which came into effect last month, requires compulsory schooling for all PNG children. To meet this requirement, we are pleased to report that our brethren in PNG have taken the first steps in implementing a Christian based education program. In October 2011, the AUC Education Department, in assisting with the coordination of program curricula, received over 300 names of potential students who wish to be be enrolled in the school program. To date, five tutors have…
Elder Ordination – Robles
Elder Ordination; Gerson Robles, 4 October, 2008
Ordination: Ben Thiel
Ministerial Ordination: December 30, 2007. Benjamin & Naomi Thiel.
Australasian Union Youth Convention – Western Australia 2006
23rd to 31st December, 2006 Sabbath 23rd December 2006 Everyone awoke early Sabbath morning to the peaceful sound of the gentle breeze blowing softly through the trees. After a short but inspirational worship, breakfast was served and everyone enjoyed the delicious food that was served up to them. Then visitors started arriving and everyone hurried to get ready to be on time for the Sabbath School. When everyone had settled themselves on rugs underneath the tall pine trees on the…