'outreach' Tagged Posts
Gluten free Cooking Demonstration – Nundah, QLD
There are many today who are searching for alternative healthy foods due to the great amount of allergies around. Appreciating the fact that folks are searching for ways to cook healthy, and at the same time, tasty allergy free meals, Clayfield members and friends decided to hold a gluten free cooking demonstration in the Nundah area. The demonstration took place on Sunday 16th February 2014. While we had a few challenges trying to turn the building alarm off before the…
Welfare Department Work in Oceania
For the past two years several outreach seminars were planned by the Welfare Department to take place in the various islands of Oceania. Due to various funding issues and time constraints the department was unable to complete the scheduled events until just now. As we write this report to you, several more events are in progress. One of the most recent events was a one day Agriculture and Garden Improvement Seminar held in Western Samoa. The members and visitors in…
New Zealand Health Outreach
The New Zealand Field held public health presentations followed by cooking demonstrations on the 4th and 7th of October. The theme was “Spring into Health” “The Vegetarian Way.” Brother Alasdair Pow presented on three subjects, “Beating Heart Disease”, “Overcoming Obesity” and “Superfoods for Fighting Cancer.” Colourful flyers were distributed in the surrounding suburbs of the hall that we hired and in the local paper. Thirty-one (31) people attended the first session on the Thursday evening and 35-38 on Sunday’s two…
RainDrops Christian Media Library
Guildford Church Media Ministry in Western Australia has setup a new media website for hosting sermon videos and other Christian media content. The media website is named after the ministry’s name, ‘RainDrops’. You can check it out at http://raindrops.sdarm.org.au. At the moment it is displaying a collection of sermons by various speakers posted on the internet by our churches in Guildford WA, Schofields NSW and Clayfield QLD. RainDrops Media Ministry adopted its name in 2012 as an expression of the…
New Media Website: RainDrops Christian Media Library
Guildford Church Media Ministry has setup a new media website for hosting sermon videos and other Christian media content. The media website is named after the ministry’s name, ‘RainDrops’. You can check it out at http://raindrops.sdarm.org.au RainDrops Media Ministry adopted its name in 2012 as an expression of the members’ desire to be part of the action under the Latter Rain experience. Since 2011, the production of DVDs has been its main object. The DVDs are still being bought…
Solomon Islands Mission Conference & Health Outreach
Local tradition believes that the Solomon Islands are called by this name after King Solomon in the Bible. They say that he came there to gather some natural resources such as gold for the building of the temple. Solomon Islands is the newest Mission Field in our region being first opened by Br Jaksic a few years ago. We have one main church group situated on the main island about 40 kilometres away from the capital Honiara. We have…
Solomon Islands – February 2012 Visit
The following news was received from Br Csongor Matyas, SA Field Leader, who assisted the AUC by accompanying Br Brian Jaksic last February on a pioneering trip to the growing interests in Solomon Islands. “In February 2012 Br Jaksic and I spent 12 days visiting and encouraging the growing little church in Solomon Islands. Despite the hot and humid weather we had a wonderful time fellowshipping with the brethren. During our stay Br Jaksic and myself presented a series of…
Prophecy Seminar – Rockhampton, QLD
From the 17 – 23rd June, 2012, the “Meltdown to Eternity” Bible Prophecy Seminar was held in Rockhampton, QLD. Br. Paul Chapman presented the message each night, and local QLD youth, together with Brn. Hayden Wiseman and Sam Wiseman, presented a musical item to commence and close each meeting. The main thrust of advertising was 10,000 flyers delivered via Australia Post, a half page newspaper ad in the Rockhampton “Morning Bulletin” (a local paid newspaper – 15,000 circulation), 50 x…
Great Keppel Island Youth Camp
On the weekend of April 13 – 16, 2012 the QLD Youth Department conducted a Youth Camp on Great Keppel Island. Forty-eight people attended from among the youth and church members throughout the Field. All the worship services were conducted by the youth and focused on the theme, “How Big is Your God”. Though the weather alternated between sunshine and misty rain, we were grateful to be able to hold Sabbath School classes on the beach. Bro Hayden Wiseman,…
Health & Prophecy Outreach – WA Field
In the month of March 2012 the Western Australian Field conducted a series of outreach programs over 2 weekends. The first weekend revolved around a health outreach for the public in the area of Gosnells. This outreach involved cooking demonstrations conducted by the local members along with health lectures by Br. Alasdair Pow. A good number of members from the Guildford church in WA were involved in planning and organizing the health program. Some were demonstrating the vegetarian dishes while…
Fly-n-Build Vanuatu Project Update
All I could hear was my heart thumping The emotions of several months were finally coming to an end. The culmination of planning and phone calls was finally coming to a landing on the small runway of Malekula Island. I had been here one time before in preparation of the Church building program. I had walked its dusty road and met with the committed church members. But nothing had gripped me until this moment. Now was the appointed time; the…
Coleambally NSW Outreach Meetings
The Following Report was received from one of our young people, Sam Wiseman, two weeks ago: “Bro Alasdair Pow has just started a Prophecy Seminar here in Coleambally. In the first meeting, entitled The Time is Fulfilled, we had one new lady come plus the majority of our local church members which was great. In this meeting Bro Alasdair proved from the Bible and non-Biblical history the year, month, day and hour that Jesus Christ, as the Messiah, came. The…
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