About the Theme
Leading up to the year 2020, it has been 175 years since 1844, and is a good time to reflect and review how the Lord has led His people, and how he has taught us in our past history. Presentations will focus on different aspects of historical and doctrinal development.
Topics include:
- The Great Awakening and the Advent Movement
- History of the Three Angels’ Messages
- Development of the Platform of Truth
- History of the 1888 Session and the Message of Righteousness by Faith
On 27 November, we confirmed a new venue for our end of year programs: Blue Mountains Camp ground in Mt Victoria, NSW. However, due to the dangerous bush-fire conditions that have prevailed in the Blue Mountains over the past week, the managers of the Mt Victoria Camp Ground advised us yesterday that they have cancelled our hire agreement. The planned 27-31 December end-of-year program will NOT be proceeding at Mt Victoria, NSW.
During the past 24 hours, after much prayer and deliberation, we have decided to proceed with a scaled back program at our Schofields Church centre, Schofields NSW. (–Event Organisers)
Location: Schofields Church, Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement, 85 Grange Avenue, Schofields NSW 2762
Dates: Friday 27 December to Sunday 29 December
Program Schedule Summary:
- Friday, 27 December 2019 – Meeting Commences 7:30 pm
- Sabbath, 28 December 2019 – Meetings Commence 8:00 am
- Sunday, 29 December 2019 – Meetings Commence 8:00 am
- Program Concludes 6:00pm Sunday, 29 December 2019
- Meals: 6:00pm Tea – Friday, Saturday (Sabbath) and Sunday. 12:30 pm Lunch – Saturday (Sabbath) and Sunday.
- Self-Service Breakfast: Breakfast food items will be available for collection from Schofields each day.
Guests will need to arrange their own accommodation. Please call the AUC office if you need help with confirming accommodation. Some useful websites for accommodation close to Schofields are:
- Bookings.com
- Wotif.com
- https://www.sydney.com/destinations/sydney/sydney-west (Scroll down the page for Accommodation options)
For those individuals who don’t mind the commute each day, Elim Heights Youth Camp, though still in somewhat disarray after the bush-fires, may be a possible option. Call the office for further information: 02 962 77553.
AUC “Vision 2020” Scheduled Meals and Costs Friday Tea: $5 per person
Sabbath and Sunday: $15 per person per day for 2 meals – Lunch and Tea. Meals provided for at Schofields Church venue.
$20 per person per day includes self-service breakfast at place of lodging.
NOTE – Self-Service Breakfast: Breakfast food items will be available for collection from Schofields at the end of each day.
If you plan to attend the Schofields “Vision 2020” weekend program, can you please contact the AUC Office via phone or email to register for meals. Alternatively register for meals online at our event registration page.
Full Price for Food (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Full weekend meal schedule (including self-service breakfast) per person – $ 45.00
Infants (Under 2 yrs of age) – Free
Register by ringing our office on (02) 9627 7553 or visit our event registration page.
Register by December 27, 2019.