The Godhead
My Beloved Son: Another Look At The Godhead
My Beloved Son: Another Look at the Godhead – The Darling Son of God. This presentation looks at the Biblical use of “agapetos” (Beloved, Darling) and its connection with “monogenes” (Only Begotten), demonstrating that “only begotten” means more than you think. Presented by Paul Chapman, February 19, 2011.
The Only Begotten Son
“Only Begotten Son”. What does this mean? Much confusion is created with this expression in Seventh-day Adventist circles. Some say it is only a title, others that it refers to the human nature of Christ, others say it refers to the divine nature of Christ–that He was literally begotten of the Father in eternity past. So what is the answer? Sermon presented by Paul Chapman, 5th February, 2011, Sunshine Coast, Australia.