Sermons by Luke Kneebone
Only Two Positions
2016 AUC Storm Anchors Conference held at Elim Heights.
Saved by Faith Alone
2016 AUC Storm Anchors Conference held at Elim Heights.
The Christ of the Bible
Christ in the Bible is set forth in types, symbols and prophecies. This study explores the way certain Bible characters saw Christ in both the Old and New Testaments and how we see Him today.
Abiding In Christ
Luke Kneebone speaks about abiding in Jesus Christ and what that means to us in our battle with the host of darkness.
Restriction or Liberty
How do you see Christianity? Is it just a set of rules and restrictions?
How Near
How near is Jesus, how near is the second coming, how near are the signs of the end. Presented by Luke Kneebone at Schofields Church January 2012.
The Beatitudes
Presented by Luke Kneebone at Schofields Sydney December 2011. Luke continues his exposition of the book of Matthew.