Dear Friends,
Greetings with “Surely, shall one say, in the LORD have I righteousness and strength…” Isaiah 45:24
The Lord’s work here in NSW is progressing steadily and it often seems that there are not enough hours in a day or days in a week to accomplish the tasks and needs that arise in this field. The Lord has greatly blessed and interest is continually arising from unexpected places and from a variety of sources.
Our field missionary leader, Br. John Araya has by God’s grace, instituted a variety of outreach programs that keep the churches busy. This has inspired a large number of the members to be interested and involved in the missionary work. Many books have been distributed, tracts have been given out and the growing response to the Bible Correspondence Course has been surprising and encouraging.
The Parramatta outreach is held once a month on a Sabbath afternoon where we sing and distribute literature in the mall. Occasionally an outreach is held at Kings Cross, which is a challenge for those involved. I have seen some poor and desperate souls there. One night a lady begged me for a Bible. When I secured one and gave it to her, her expressions of joy were enough to reward me abundantly. She also enrolled in the Bible Correspondence Course. There are many experiences that could be related by each who participated.
Every second Thursday evening outreaches are conducted at various shopping malls. Also, a series of cooking demonstrations were held for the public. The attendance was good and the presentations were much enjoyed.
Regular visits are conducted to the isolated members, groups and churches in the Field.
Br. Michael Stoyko and myself recently made a trip to Wagga, Griffith and Coleambally. We were encouraged by the interest for the truth that is arising in these areas. The Wagga Church conducted a couple of outreach methods such as a full page advertisement for books and the Present Truth Correspondence Course in their local paper. The response was encouraging.
A neighbourhood cottage meeting in Seven Hills is conducted every Tuesday night with the help of Br Brittain, M. Stoyko, P Jackson, and I. An average of 10 people attend every week. It has been a challenge and a learning experience but we thank the Lord that the messages have been well received and the people look forward to each Tuesday for their “Bible Study”.
At present I conduct eight Bible studies a week, in which seven souls are preparing for baptism. We praise God for their desire to walk in the Lord’s way and to commit their lives to His service.
We experienced the blessing of God when our daughter, Kaylene made her public testimony of her decision to consecrate her life to the Lord. Seventy-six people attended the baptism, which was held in the river at our home at McDonald. The baptism was followed by a combined lunch.
We pray for the Lord’s continued blessings for the work in this part of His vineyard that many more will hear the saving truths for these last days.
Your brother in Christ,
Matthias Thiel