Education Department News
WA Camponotus Activity Day
“Go to the ant thou sluggard, consider her ways, and be wise.” Proverbs 6:6. The Lord blessed with gorgeous weather, and we began the program with prayer and the Camponotus Kids theme song, then kicked off with “Getting to Know You” game. At first, some of the children were a little shy but as the game moved forward, they started coming out of their shell and joyfully participated. Next was a craft activity, making ants using pipe cleaners and plastic…
Camponotus Kids Camp NSW
We asked the children to name one thing they were thankful for. It was a delight to hear “I’m thankful that we can have Camponotus.” Although there were hours of work, planning and organising that went into the program held on the 13-14 June, it was just as much anticipated and enjoyed by the organisers. It brings so much delight to our hearts to see the smiles, hear the laughter and share the challenges with the children. With the general…
Children’s Zoom Meetings
We have been richly blessed by children’s Bible classes, kids’ groups and youth Bible classes, which we are currently running on Zoom on a weekly/fortnightly basis. A range of topics have been covered, and it has been beautiful to see the enthusiasm and participation during the meetings. We pray that these will continue to bless and encourage families and youth in their walk with God. We know there is no greater education than that obtained at the foot of the…
Papua New Guinea Teacher’s Training Seminar
From the 16-20 September, 2012, a Teacher’s Training Seminar was held in Papua New Guinea Mission Field. The seminar was a further step in the preparation of Teachers for the first three Christian day schools set to commence operations in February next year. We have been blessed by the support of “Christian Light Publications”, suppliers of “Christian Light Education” (CLE) curricula materials. Elmer Glick, a trainer from the USA, and Jason Kauffmann, the CLP representative in Australia, delivered the training…
Papua New Guinea School Project
New PNG Government legislation, which came into effect last month, requires compulsory schooling for all PNG children. To meet this requirement, we are pleased to report that our brethren in PNG have taken the first steps in implementing a Christian based education program. In October 2011, the AUC Education Department, in assisting with the coordination of program curricula, received over 300 names of potential students who wish to be be enrolled in the school program. To date, five tutors have…