'seminar' Tagged Posts
Welfare Department Work in Oceania
For the past two years several outreach seminars were planned by the Welfare Department to take place in the various islands of Oceania. Due to various funding issues and time constraints the department was unable to complete the scheduled events until just now. As we write this report to you, several more events are in progress. One of the most recent events was a one day Agriculture and Garden Improvement Seminar held in Western Samoa. The members and visitors in…
AUC Workers Seminar 2013
From the 2nd to 6th of January, 2013 the Australasian Union Conference held a Worker’s Seminar for our Australian and New Zealand based workers. Br D Sureshkumar (General Conference Vice-President) conducted the Seminar based on the theme of “Leadership”. All appreciated the opportunity to reflect on the principles of leadership particularly in the context of pastoral ministry. The seminar concluded with a self-assessment questionnaire that helped identify individual leadership traits.
Vanuatu Mission News
On the 14th of September, Br Andrew Pakoasongi reported that the Vanuatu Mission Field had just completed a week of public meetings combined with a youth camp. The turnout to the meetings was very good, and six interested souls are now undergoing further Bible studies. Plans are in place to conduct a Leadership Seminar next month on one of Vanuatu's islands called Epi. The Vanuatu brethren are also planning to hold a Youth Camp Meeting on the island of Malekula…
Rockhampton Concert August 2012
The following report was received from Benjamin Fuenzalida, a member of the QLD Conference Young People’s Department. Rocky concert, 11:00am 24th August, 2012 Since the Rockhampton prophecy seminars in June 2012, Annette, the manager of Bauhinia House (where the seminars where held) had known about the musical talents God has blessed our youth with. As she was organising a luncheon concert for the Senior Citizens Club, she asked John Araya if he could arrange for some of our youth to…
Papua New Guinea Teacher’s Training Seminar
From the 16-20 September, 2012, a Teacher’s Training Seminar was held in Papua New Guinea Mission Field. The seminar was a further step in the preparation of Teachers for the first three Christian day schools set to commence operations in February next year. We have been blessed by the support of “Christian Light Publications”, suppliers of “Christian Light Education” (CLE) curricula materials. Elmer Glick, a trainer from the USA, and Jason Kauffmann, the CLP representative in Australia, delivered the training…
Solomon Islands Mission Conference & Health Outreach
Local tradition believes that the Solomon Islands are called by this name after King Solomon in the Bible. They say that he came there to gather some natural resources such as gold for the building of the temple. Solomon Islands is the newest Mission Field in our region being first opened by Br Jaksic a few years ago. We have one main church group situated on the main island about 40 kilometres away from the capital Honiara. We have…
PNG School Project Update
Many weeks of phone calls, emails and preparations came to a climax on Wednesday, 25 July, 2012, when the first shipment of over 5000 pieces of educational materials were sent from Brisbane, Australia to Papua New Guinea. It was encouraging to finally load up the delivery truck with 71 boxes of Christian based school curriculum materials and 72 x 45 litre Plastic Storage Containers that will be needed once the shipment arrives in PNG. This material is one years supply…
Prophecy Seminar – Rockhampton, QLD
From the 17 – 23rd June, 2012, the “Meltdown to Eternity” Bible Prophecy Seminar was held in Rockhampton, QLD. Br. Paul Chapman presented the message each night, and local QLD youth, together with Brn. Hayden Wiseman and Sam Wiseman, presented a musical item to commence and close each meeting. The main thrust of advertising was 10,000 flyers delivered via Australia Post, a half page newspaper ad in the Rockhampton “Morning Bulletin” (a local paid newspaper – 15,000 circulation), 50 x…
GC Sabbath School Seminar – NSW Conference
During the weekend of March 9-11, 2012 Br Paul Chapman, our General Conference Sabbath School Department Director, was invited to conduct a Sabbath School Seminar for the benefit of Sabbath School Leaders and Teachers in the NSW Conference. The Seminar commenced Friday evening, March 9, and focused on the theme, “Evangelism Through the Sabbath School”. Many expressed their appreciation for the emphasis on the purpose of the Sabbath School as the most effective local church agent in bringing souls to…
AUC Church Leaders Seminar, Melbourne
The inaugural AUC Church Leaders Seminar will be held in Keilor Park Church, Melbourne, Victoria from the 14th October 2011 – 19th October 2011. The Seminar will be of interest to all church members and officers who wish to gain a better knowledge and understanding of how we can better fulfill our responsibilities as servants in God's church. The program of meetings will be as follows: General Meetings: These meetings are open for all who wish to attend. Friday evening…
Regional News – New Caledonia
In early April of this year, Br Brian Jaksic together with Br John Ciric made a visit to New Caledonia where they met with our church members on the island of Mare to assist in the reorganization of the work there. Br Jaksic reports, “The people there are very strong in faith and of good courage. They built this beautiful church by themselves without any outside financial assistance or help in anyway. Some years ago, I had conducted seminars there.…
Vanuatu – Seminars June 2011
Br Brian Jaksic reports of his June 2011 visit to Vanuatu. He conducted five day seminar mainly on the Last Day Events, including The Sealing Message and The Investigative Judgment. On Sabbath 75 people were in attendance. Br Luke Kneebone reports of encouraging response to a number of meetings he was able to conduct while on the fly-and-build projects. A full report will be included in our next edition of Good Tidings E-News. Watch this space. Subscribe now! It's FREE!…