Young People's Department News
WA Youth Camp – Easter 2022
15-18 April 2022 On Friday afternoon of the 15th of April, on a gloomy overcast day with rain threatening, our group of young and not so young converged on the Northcliffe Bush Camp and set up our tents and caravans. We had stayed at this camp once before, and enjoyed it very much. It is peaceful and well set out, with whimsically-built and surprisingly comfortable amenities cobbled together from salvaged vehicle and building materials. It is surrounded by bush, with…
WA Youth Dinner
Fondue, being a social event, and generally acceptable to the fancy of both the gentleman and ladies of WA, was chosen as our end of year event. The preparation for this event began a week before, with Jade Kneebone’s team running all over Perth looking for enough fondue sets for the thirty people expected at the dinner. The food preparation began a few hours before the dinner was supposed to start on Sunday. The first call of duty for the…
QLD Youth Campout
While others had come before and set up camp, the car I was in arrived to camp very late – at midnight in fact. Inskip Point is very sandy, and we got stuck in the sand on our way in, because of driving too slowly. Two helpful campers got us unstuck and gave us some good advice which we would all end up using over the weekend: “Drive it like you stole it!” The next day, Sabbath morning, dawned lovely…
Virtual Youth Conference 2020
This end of year youth conference was different to past conferences for the obvious reason that it was online instead of in person, with most of the meetings happening over Zoom and the odd one on YouTube. It took a bit of getting used to, but everyone quickly settled into the new format. The theme of the conference was “Keeping it Real,” and the worships and panel discussions focused on practical ways of building our relationship with Jesus and the…
International Youth Convention – Video Highlights
It has been more than 3 months since the closing of the International Youth Congress in Marusevec, Croatia this past summer. Surely, much has happened since that time in the lives of each of you who were present at the IYC2014. The event has ended, but we hope some things have remained. New friendships. Stronger faith. Discovered talents. Good life decisions. We pray that the Lord keeps leading you in the future. We would like to help you bring back…
Youth Challenger Year Book 2014
Youth Challenger Magazine Year Book 2014 is now available! Order your copy now!
International Youth Congress 2013
Announcing the International Youth Congress 2013 August 12 – 18, 2013 Mongyorod, Hungary, EU With the theme “Friends of the King” Dear friends, as you may already know, we have prepared a week of fellowship with the Lord and His followers from all around the world! You will be received with the same hospitality as you surely remember, at the Church in Mogyorod (about 23 km N-E from Budapest downtown) Godollo Ut .(street), No. 201, Hungary. (N: 47°.59’51”76, and E: …
Rockhampton Concert August 2012
The following report was received from Benjamin Fuenzalida, a member of the QLD Conference Young People’s Department. Rocky concert, 11:00am 24th August, 2012 Since the Rockhampton prophecy seminars in June 2012, Annette, the manager of Bauhinia House (where the seminars where held) had known about the musical talents God has blessed our youth with. As she was organising a luncheon concert for the Senior Citizens Club, she asked John Araya if he could arrange for some of our youth to…
Great Keppel Island Youth Camp
On the weekend of April 13 – 16, 2012 the QLD Youth Department conducted a Youth Camp on Great Keppel Island. Forty-eight people attended from among the youth and church members throughout the Field. All the worship services were conducted by the youth and focused on the theme, “How Big is Your God”. Though the weather alternated between sunshine and misty rain, we were grateful to be able to hold Sabbath School classes on the beach. Bro Hayden Wiseman,…
Baptism – Domenic Polistina – AUC Youth Convention 2011
At 5:30am on Sabbath morning, 31st December 2011, guests at the AUC Youth Convention made their way to the banks of the Colo River, NSW to witness the baptism of Br Domenic Polistina. This joyful event was preceded the evening before by Br Domenic's profession of faith before members and guests present at the AUC Youth Convention. All who heard his personal testimony could not help but be encouraged by the gracious working of the Lord in Domenic's life. It…
New Family Rates – Youth Convention
After further calculation and discussion with the organizing brethren, we are now able to offer a further 20% discount off the special rates to families with children staying the full duration of the camp. The new rates are as follows: Children 4 – 12 Youth 13 – 25 Adults Dorm Tents Dorm Tents Dorm Tents Per Day* $13.50 $12 $15 $13.50 $30 $27 Individuals – Entire Camp* $90 $81 $180 $162 $243 $218 Family – Entire Camp * $72…
New South Wales Youth Seminar 2009
26-28 June, 2009 How to be a Rebel This was a weekend specially designed and aimed at the youth between the ages of 13 -25, helping them realise that in order to be a rebel against Satan’s kingdom, one must be completely attached to Christ at all times. Becoming one with Christ is a prerequisite. Friday evening, 26th of June, was a very special day when youth from all parts of New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria met at…
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