Department News
Department News
WA Youth Camp – Easter 2022
15-18 April 2022 On Friday afternoon of the 15th of April, on a gloomy overcast day with rain threatening, our group of young and not so young converged on the Northcliffe Bush Camp and set up our tents and caravans. We had stayed at this camp once before, and enjoyed it very much. It is peaceful and well set out, with whimsically-built and surprisingly comfortable amenities cobbled together from salvaged vehicle and building materials. It is surrounded by bush, with…
WA Camponotus Activity Day
“Go to the ant thou sluggard, consider her ways, and be wise.” Proverbs 6:6. The Lord blessed with gorgeous weather, and we began the program with prayer and the Camponotus Kids theme song, then kicked off with “Getting to Know You” game. At first, some of the children were a little shy but as the game moved forward, they started coming out of their shell and joyfully participated. Next was a craft activity, making ants using pipe cleaners and plastic…
The Shoebox Project
The Shoe Box Project In the midst of all the disasters happening around the world, we decided to help one of our churches in the Philippines, by creating a small project called “The Shoe Box Project.” This started among the churches in Queensland. The Need Br. Randy Acquiatan was in touch with a local church directly, and inquired what their needs were. They responded by sending us photos of 18 children that needed our help, ages ranging from 4-16 years…
WA Youth Dinner
Fondue, being a social event, and generally acceptable to the fancy of both the gentleman and ladies of WA, was chosen as our end of year event. The preparation for this event began a week before, with Jade Kneebone’s team running all over Perth looking for enough fondue sets for the thirty people expected at the dinner. The food preparation began a few hours before the dinner was supposed to start on Sunday. The first call of duty for the…
QLD Youth Campout
While others had come before and set up camp, the car I was in arrived to camp very late – at midnight in fact. Inskip Point is very sandy, and we got stuck in the sand on our way in, because of driving too slowly. Two helpful campers got us unstuck and gave us some good advice which we would all end up using over the weekend: “Drive it like you stole it!” The next day, Sabbath morning, dawned lovely…
Camponotus Kids Camp NSW
We asked the children to name one thing they were thankful for. It was a delight to hear “I’m thankful that we can have Camponotus.” Although there were hours of work, planning and organising that went into the program held on the 13-14 June, it was just as much anticipated and enjoyed by the organisers. It brings so much delight to our hearts to see the smiles, hear the laughter and share the challenges with the children. With the general…
Virtual Youth Conference 2020
This end of year youth conference was different to past conferences for the obvious reason that it was online instead of in person, with most of the meetings happening over Zoom and the odd one on YouTube. It took a bit of getting used to, but everyone quickly settled into the new format. The theme of the conference was “Keeping it Real,” and the worships and panel discussions focused on practical ways of building our relationship with Jesus and the…
Children’s Zoom Meetings
We have been richly blessed by children’s Bible classes, kids’ groups and youth Bible classes, which we are currently running on Zoom on a weekly/fortnightly basis. A range of topics have been covered, and it has been beautiful to see the enthusiasm and participation during the meetings. We pray that these will continue to bless and encourage families and youth in their walk with God. We know there is no greater education than that obtained at the foot of the…
Elim Missionary College Programme
Twelve energetic students gathered at Elim Heights for the 2020 Missionary Training Program. Coming from around Australia and the USA, they entered upon their studies enthusiastically. We started with Bible Research and Gospel Workers classes, and then moved into how to conduct home Bible studies. After the first intensive month at Elim Heights, the program moved to Schofields. The canvassing program got into full swing, with many books sold and contacts made. But just as the canvassing program was finishing…
NSW Camp and EMC Graduation 2016
ELIM HEIGHTS YOUTH CAMP – 9-13 June 2016 “Deliverance – Free at Last” Praise God once again for another opportunity to attend the wonderful NSW Spiritual Conference where we could gather together in fellowship in the midst of the peaceful bushland of Elim Heights Youth Camp to commune with God and learn of Him and see our missionary students graduate. Our camp meeting this year held a different format in that there were two separate programs: one for the adults…
Elim Missionary College 2016 Progressive Report
Canvassing Work – March & April After the first month of studies at Elim Heights Youth Camp was over, the EMC students were divided and placed in homes of different families while their course continued at AUC Headquarters in Schofields. During the months of March and April, the students’ schedule included classes in the mornings by different teachers; Brethren Peter Lausevic, Paul Chapman, A C Sas and Rolly Dumaguit. The students also went through the “Depression Recovery Program” with Bro.…
EMC – Sabbath School Seminar
5-8 April 2016 During the EMC missionary training program students study a variety of subjects; one of these is the Sabbath School (SS), its purpose and function. During the scheduled week of SS training, classes were divided into two parts, morning and afternoon. Mornings were delivered by Br Paul Chapman, General Conference Sabbath School Secretary, in which he addressed: the functional role of the Sabbath School program, how it is structured, how it should function, and how to present the SS…