Missionary Training Program 2008

Missionary Training Program 2008































Full Report

Reports from Students:

Br Amos Thiel

Question: Please share one of your impressive experiences from the Missionary Training Program.

Answer: As a student at the Missionary Training Program, there was one thing that I noticed happening over and over, something that I call divine appointments. This I find to be the most encouraging and exciting thing to see that God is working and you have the privilege of cooperating with Him. Let me give you an example.

It was the first week in which we had begun presenting Bible studies and had been posted to groups or churches each Sabbath. After young people’s meeting in Wentworthville, Br John Kraus took Alfred and myself to see a Sudanese family just around the corner from the church. These people had been contacted a couple of months earlier when two of our members were going door to door, and Br Kraus thought that since Alfred is Sudanese it would be a good opportunity to make further contact.

What amazed me the most is the friendliness of the Sudanese culture. With Sudanese people you can just walk up to somebody on the street say “hello” like you have always known them, have a good talk, and soon you will be going to their house for a visit.

Although we found the parents to be away from home, the children where playing in the backyard, Alfred was soon chatting in Sudanese and hugs were going around. Their uncle who had been out the back then came around and we had a nice talk during which time he also invited us to his house. We set a time when we would come back, and asked the children to let the parents know that we were coming. Next time, not only did we have a good visit, but the man, whose name is Akok, introduced us to another family just around the corner, and we arranged a time to visit them as well.

The next Friday afternoon, we went to see this second family. They speak only Sudanese, so I had a lot of smiling and nodding and requesting translation to do while Alfred spoke to them. They were lovely people, being, Grandma, her daughter, son-in-law, son, and three children. During the course of the conversation, they said that it was really nice and encouraging to see some younger people who loved God and that, since they left Sudan they feel like they have left God behind and that they would be really happy for us to share some thoughts from the Bible next time we came.

At the time of writing, this experience is on-going, and we look forward to sharing more encouraging experiences relating to our Sudanese friends.

The most amazing thing about this experience is how God had prepared the way two months before, and we just had to go there, make friends and start sharing the gospel. That was a wonderful experience. If you ask me how that makes you feel, there is only one word that describes it, that is “Wow!”

As I continue through this course, learning how to reach people effectively and making and receiving experiences, I am still wondering about where things go from here. One thing I do know. My life will not be the same as it was before. The way I used to reach out (if at all) which unfortunately is very common, was to discuss differences, and try and correct people’s opinions, now I know better. Our work is to avoid such topics and instead to give them something attractive, something that they do not have. The preaching of the cross is the power of God unto salvation. And the seed that brings the harvest is the Word of God. I am learning a lot about how to be effective in reaching out to others, and that is what I desired when I signed up. Praise the Lord!

Whatever happens, I know that I will continue to work for God in whatever way He should call me. Perhaps that will consist of colportering, health work, and ministry for those nearest, combined with part-time employment. We’ll see.

May God be with you all!

Your brother in Christ,


Br. Craig Cunningham

Question: What did you expect from this missionary program?

Answer: I expected and expect from this missionary training program to know and to understand the Biblical doctrines of our church the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement, that I may be settled and established in the Present Truth and be qualified to present these same truths to others.

Question: How did you know about this missionary program, and how did you come?

Answer: Br. Peter Lausevic preached at our local church and then made an appeal to the congregation to attend the Missionary Training Program.

Question: What have you learned so far?

Answer: Up to now I have learnt certain doctrines such as dress reform, the sealing message, health and the gospel and how to prepare sermons. I have also been participating in visitations looking for opportunities to present a Bible study. These are just some of the things to date that I have learnt.

Question: Tell the most impressive lesson you have learned.

Answer: The most impressive lesson I have learned so far is the importance of maintaining strict integrity with God by a vital connection with Him.

Question: What would you like to do after the missionary program?

Answer: After the missionary program I would like to implement the knowledge I have gained into a practical experience by serving God for His glory and the benefit of my fellow man.


Br David Balarezo

Question: Please tell your most impressive visiting experience. (1. To whom, 2. What happened – example, the topic of the Bible study, 3. Why was it impressive?)

Answer: With a group of students we had the opportunity of taking an opening of Sabbath at the Adventist hospital in Wahroonga. On a Friday evening, a group of students, Cameron, Alfred, Matthew and myself arrived at the hospital lobby and were greeted warmly and with much expectation by a young lady who was informed of our arrival. We were shown into a lounge room, and there we began the evening worship, which was entitled: “The Modern Elijah Message.” Approximately 20 minutes into the study we had a group of 13 people all eager to hear the message that was presented that evening.

Such was a wonderful experience that came about because of the eagerness of those present. They were so happy and joyful because they had this encounter with the truth!! The experience was so uplifting to see that the Lord was touching their hearts!!!!

Question: What do you expect in the future?

Answer: This amazing experience brought about a joy that cannot be expressed in words, and the result of this study was a further invitation to do another study on a Friday night for the opening of Sabbath. It is such a wonderful experience to see what the Lord can do in the hearts of others, Bible studies with others on an individual basis is the most effective cure for a sleeping church. By sharing what you have learnt and what you are learning only confirms in you the truth and awakens a gratitude to the Lord that is beyond what words can ever express!!! I thank the Lord for this experience and I encourage you, brethren and sisters, to continue your work in the Lord for the salvation of souls!!!

Hayden Wiseman

Question: Please tell your most impressive visiting experience. (1. To whom, 2. What happened – example, the topic of the Bible study, 3. Why was it impressive?)

Answer: The most exciting visit I had was at Sr.V’s place. The reason that it was so impressive was that I was able to give my first Bible study. The study was on Salvation and How God has the power to save us. At first I wasn’t sure if she understood it or if it touched her heart at all, but at the end, something that really stood out for her was denying self to follow Jesus. She was also touched by it and she had tears in her eyes. I would like to praise and thank God for this experience and hope that she will give her life to God one day.

Question: What do you expect in the future?

Answer: I expect many more wonderful experiences. I also expect many people to give their lives to God through our efforts for Him and also through His marvellous power working on their hearts. If we step out in faith, God will work miracles through us, and I would like to encourage everyone else at this time to surrender their lives to God so that that they will see God’s love and power. Dear friends, Jesus will only come when we start to work for Him. May God help and bless everyone at this time.

Your Brother in Christ, Hayden Wiseman.

Feed back from Visitations:

Jeremy Gordon from Pambula

Question: How did you find the visits of missionary students in your church?

Answer: Very good and inspiring. It was a blessing to have them come to teach and study with us. They make me feel almost jealous that I did not go to the school after seeing their attitude and character. But it has rubbed off on us anyway, so it is almost like we have received the same blessings through them.

Question: Could you please share some of your blessed experience?

Answer: They talked me into going to the Melbourne camp, and it was good.

The meetings, atmosphere, good cooking, I loved them all. (Special thanks to the cooks, I appreciated a lot, although I did have chance to say it to them directly.)

And listening to the experiences of others and singing.

I learned a lot through the study, virtue, knowledge, grace… a lot more than I can write.

And one more experience was I had a chance to take Sabbath School review at our local church after the meeting. Since I learned what is true humility and meekness, which is to receive everything, and saw the example through the missionary students, I did. The students also helped me to get ready to talk at the front.

I would like to thank my family and my church friends for encouraging me and especially Br. Peter for hustling and stirring me, making me realize that I need to step out from the dangerous comfort zone, and make the commitment to study for myself.

Question: What do you expect from the students in next two months?

Answer: I expect them to drive to Queensland (where I am going to move)…!

Just more of the same as I had in the first month as above.

Question: If you have another chance of the students coming over to visit, will you accept it?

Answer: Oh, yes!

Student interview – Matthew Boje

Q. What did you expect from this missionary program?

I expected to learn how find the answers to any questions that may be asked of me in relation to my religion and the beliefs of my church. I also expected my thinking and understanding about religious things to change.

Q. How did you know about this missionary program, and how did you come?

I heard about it when I was in Sydney, and I was also informed by Peter Lausevic. I came by jumping in my car and driving up from Melbourne.

Q. What did you learn up to now?

I’ve been learning how to preach sermons, give Bible studies, and also how to be effective in missionary work; the main thing is learning how to effectively share the Bible truths with people.

Q. Tell the most impressive lesson you learned so far.

That “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me” Phillipians 4:13. With God, it’s amazing what we can accomplish!

Q. What would you like to do after the missionary program?

GO home

Q. Any other comments(encouragement)?

If you are willing to learn, this is a great opportunity to expand your thinking, understanding, and knowledge, and to become a lot more effective in sharing God’s Word with others.

Survey Questions

What made you want to attend the missionary school?

Amos: Because I want to see more people in heaven

Craig: I heard it as a call from God

Hayden: My reason is in giving concerts and during those concerts I will preach to the people about spiritual things. I came to gain more knowledge of what we believe and how to share it with others.

What did you expect from this training?

Amos: I expected to get a lot out of it and I wasn’t disappointed

Craig: Hard but rewarding. I’d like to assist in the canvassing work

Hayden: I expected it to be hard.

How are you enjoying it?

Amos: Challenging but rewarding

Craig: It’s Wonderful!!! I sense God’s presence and it’s a wonderful experience

Hayden: I really enjoyed it more than I expected

What’s your favourite part of the day?

Amos: You learn that when you work hard, you enjoy life more

Craig: The prayer time that I have before breakfast

Hayden: Socializing in between the hard study periods, and I look forward to researching topics

What do you plan to do after the training has finished?

Amos: Self-supporting work- along with lines of health

Craig: I always have had aspirations to do bible work. I still hold those views, and wish to enter the work whether I’m paid or not.

Hayden: To serve the Lord more fully
Statistical Information

Until 11 April 2008

Visitations made by students – 240

Letterboxing: Great Controversy Flyers – approx 9,000 flyers within 3 afternoons

Books requested from the letterboxing: 35-40 Great Controversies

Student’s Typical Day:


Study from “Gospel Workers”

08:00 – 13:00 Morning Classes (short breaks every hour)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:30 – 15:00 Choir practice

15:00 – 18:00 How to Research the Bible and Organize for Presentation

18:00 – 19:00 Dinner

19:00 – 21:00 Research & Study Preparation



08:00 – 13:00 Morning Classes (short breaks every hour)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

Half day off


08:00 – 13:00 Morning Classes (short breaks every hour)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 16:00 Visitation Feedback (Br P Lausevic)

16:00 – Visitation


08:00 – 13:00 Morning Classes (short breaks every hour)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 18:00 letter boxing

19:00 – Prayer meeting


08:00 – 13:00 Morning Classes (short breaks every hour)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 16:00 Visitation Feedback (Br P Lausevic)

16:00 – 17:30 Cleaning of Union Complex & Church

17:30 – Visitations



Subjects Studied and Teachers:

“Gospel Workers”, “Wheat and Tares”, “Vegetarianism”, “Marriage & Divorce”,

“Sealing Message”, etc… Br. P. Lausevic

“How to Research & Organize Studies” Br. N. Tyler

“Our Attitude in Studying God’s Word” Br M Southwell

“Seven churches and Seven Seals” Br. A.C.SAS

“Medical Missionary” Br. Britain

Massage demonstration: Male: Br Brittain, Females: Sr. Brittain

“The Organization of the Church” Br. J. Ciric

Subjects still to be covered:

“Human Relationships and How to Deal with Difficulties” Br. B. Jaksic

“History of SDA Reform Movement” Br A C Sas



Help Work – Demolishing Building

Victorian Field Conference 21-24 March 2008 entitled “Victory in Jesus”:

Students contributed much by taking a large number of meetings.

Future Conferences & Projects:

Wagga Wagga Literature Distribution 25-27 April 2008

Elim Heights Youth Camp – Working Bee 29 April 2008

NSW Conference 30 May 08 to 1 June 2008

Missionary Training Program Graduation 31 May 2008