We wish to acknowledge a very special lady who is now 90 years young! Happy Birthday Sr. Weymark!
Elaine Dawn Heslop was born on the 12th of December 1930. In commemoration of such a wonderful milestone, we want to take this opportunity to thank her for her unselfish service to God in various capacities within the Australasian Union Conference (AUC) of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement and for continuing to be a blessing to our church family and others to this day.
Having been brought up in a God-fearing home, Elaine’s love for God is evident in her undertakings in life. While yet a young lady, she chose to enter the service for the Lord by working at the AUC Office which was at that time located in Summer Hill. While working in the office, Elaine came to know Harold Eric Weymark, who later became her beloved husband on the 11th December 1951. Both Brother and Sister Weymark were very devoted in their ministry to serving God within the Australasian Union Conference. Facing many wonderful and some challenging situations together, gave them a diversity of memoirs to hold within their hearts. Sr. Weymark’s tireless service for the Lord is reflected in all that she has done and continues to do for Him. Her lifetime of service to the Lord has been an inspiration to many.
Even now at this ‘young age’ of 90 years, Sr. Weymark’s dedication to the Elim Health Shop and Elim Heights Youth Camp is admirable. We thank the Lord for His care towards her and may He continue to grant her more wonderful years ahead. We thank God for the privilege of having her in our lives.
Many a time we fail to express how much you are appreciated Sr. Weymark, yet your acts of kindness clearly reveal the wonderful person you are.
For all you do and all you are, we greatly love and thank you!
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31.
~ Lidia Voncina