Posts from December 2021

Posts from December 2021

Victoria Youth Cook-off

On November 21st, the Victorian youth had an amazing day. Thanks to the help and organisation of sister Martha Barat, they were able to participate in a “Youth Cook-off.” We used Sr. Martha’s kitchen to be able to run the program, and young people were divided in teams according to recipes. The cook-off theme was “Italy.” Teams formed were, Pasta team, Pizza team, Gnocchi team, and Tiramisu team (yes, Tiramisu is an Italian dessert). Every group had to prepare their…

Batger Girls Baptism

By Miguel Mendoza “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 28:19 It was a beautiful and a joyful day as we saw three precious souls—Chantelle, Allegra, and Sabella Batger—make a public confession of giving their lives to the Lord in baptism. The whole program took place in nature at Lal Lal Falls Reserve. The candidates had family and friends whom they invited…

WA Youth Events

Our monthly youth events this year have all been extremely enjoyable, but if I name all of them you all might want to move here, and since there’s sooo little space in WA, I will only mention the three most recent ones. Cake decorating night After church and young people’s, we all made our way to the Payet’s house where we enjoyed chatting and participating in a conversation starter game. Once Sabbath had closed and we had eaten tea, we…

SPUM Student Sponsorship

Sponsor a Student from the South Pacific Dear Brethren and Friends in Australia and New Zealand, Our brothers and sisters in the South Pacific Union Mission have had localised missionary training from time to time, but as yet there is no permanent training institution located in their Union. For this reason, some individuals have attended missionary training in Australia or the United States. The Pacific Regional Secretary has asked us in Australia & New Zealend to fundraise on behalf of…