John & Rachel Araya's Wedding
Sunday, 24th May, 2009, was a very special day for Br John and Sr Rachel Araya who were joined in holy matrimony.
Their greatest desire is to serve our Lord with all their hearts and with all their being and to continue doing this throughout their married lives.
Johnny and Rachel were impressed by the Lord before they were married to use their honeymoon to help the underprivileged in Africa. In order to be able to accomplish this, they made a pledge that instead of wedding gifts for themselves, monetary gifts should be specifically given for this cause. All that was received would be directly set aside for the benefit of the underprivileged. So that’s just what they did; they went to Africa for three weeks, worked among the poor people, fed them spiritually and physically; this included spending a week helping at an orphanage that housed about 120 orphans. The Lord blessed these plans and they were able to bring much relief to many, as well as to help our worker with printing tracts and a banner for the building where our people meet for worship, displaying our church name etc., thus witnessing to others who we are.
May God richly bless Sr Rachel and Br Johnny as they start their life’s journey together as one. May they continue to be a great blessing and help to the brethren in the Queensland Mission Field where Br Johnny is currently serving as a Bible worker.